Chapter 2 Wake up sleepy head

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Evie and Mal got dressed for school,Evie started to braid Mal's hair but Mal stopped her.

"So how's having Ben as your boyfriend"? Evie said with a smirk

Mal started to blush and continued to brush her hair.

"Are you excited for your date with Doug" Mal said as changing the subject.

"Umm ya but don't you think that my mom will get mad at me if I dated him"?

"No she can't be mad cause she can't see you with him".

The girls walked into the boys dorm and found Jay sleeping.

Mal said "hey didn't it use to be the other way around"?

"Haha very funny" Carlos said sarcastically

Mal turn around and smirks and laugh a bit

Carlos grabbed Dude and placed him on Jay's bed

Dude looked at Jay than licked him on the face

"Ehh ugh gross, Dude?" Jay said as he put Dude to the side

Jay got up and saw the girls in their dorm

"Wake up sleepy head! You have a audience here" Carlos said

Jay got up and yelled "that's not cool man". He grabbed his pillow and threw it at Carlos

Evie giggled

"Oh hey guys didn't see ya there " Jay said as he picked his clothes and went to the washroom to change

"Whatever lets go, we're all going to be late" Mal said

"Late for what?" Asked Jay

"School" Evie said

"When were you so psych to go to school?" Asked Carlos

"Yea why ya such in a rush" Jay said as he put on his casual leather jacket

"nothing can we just go!" Mal said

Evie, Carlos and Jay all looked at each other and looked back at Mal

"What, stop staring" Mal said

They kept looking at Mal and waited for her to fuss up

"ok fine. I just want to see Ben, and a I kind of miss him. I wanna know what he's up being king of Aurodon and all" Mal said

"Which reminds me "Evie said curiously "if Ben is King of Aurodon and your his girlfriend doesn't that make you Queen?

"Ya she has a point". Carlos added in

"I don't know. but doesn't matter, I'm going, you guys are slow" Mal said heading out the door. They all headed out behind Mal and went to school.

When they got to school, Mal found Ben, Carlos was talking to Jane, Doug went up to Evie and Jay leaned against his locker looking at Evie and Doug, Audrey walked up to Jay

"Hey Audrey so what's up"?

"Jay I'm just wondering, when will we meet,also what movie are we watching?".

"Not sure yet but I bet it would be great"! Jay said

"Oh like a surprise,ok can't wait see ya later Jay"!

"Hey Evie" Doug said

"Hi" Evie said with a smile

"So what movie do you want to watch in the Auditorium"?

"The Auditorium"? "I though that's only for school plays"?

"Well not only we have plays there we watch movies there too". Doug said

"Oh ok will you pick the movie for me"?

"Sure thing I'll pick you up tomorrow at six"!Doug said as he quickly went to the Chemistry room and blushes.

The bell rang and Every one went to class
Hi guys I hope you guys like it, So any ideas for movies for the dates? It would be great if you help me out thanks!
-Authors note

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