Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

When I arrived at work on Monday, I wasn't surprised to hear rumours already flying around the office. Heads turned in my direction as I walked through the room and into the kitchen, but nobody said anything. If I intimidated people, that was fine; I could live with that. It was better than the alternative.

Armed with my mug of coffee, I sat down at my desk and switched on the computer. Still, nobody said a word to me, but eyes flickered in my direction. Curious. Judgemental. Amused.

Eventually, Amelia spoke up—and, let's face it, nobody was surprised at that.

"So, did you have a nice evening on Saturday, Sasha?" she asked, her tone suggesting there was a much heavier connotation to her words—in case that wasn't strikingly obvious.

"Oh, I think we already know the answer to that." Alastair glanced up from behind his computer screen, his eyes twinkling.

There was no point beating around the bush. Everyone knew what had happened so why be coy about it?

"Sure," I said. "Nice meal, free drinks, and a hot guy to take home with me. What's not to like?"

I raised my eyebrows, daring her to challenge me. She didn't. Instead, she pursed her fuchsia-tinted lips and then stretched them into a tight smile. Satisfied, I looked across at Alastair.

"Why isn't there any music on, DJ?"

The atmosphere settled once the music began to play, but Amelia apparently wasn't going to let the matter drop as easily as I'd first thought. She passed by my desk on her way back from the printer and ran her fingertip along the top of my monitor.

"You're so lucky," she said under her breath. "Literally, I've been giving Chris the eyes for months and he hasn't noticed me. I couldn't pull anyone. My game was so off."

"Sometimes it just pans out like that. There's no rhyme or reason for it."

"Tell me..." She leaned over my monitor until I was forced to look away from my email and up into her inquisitive eyes. "...Is he really as good as everyone says? Poppy once said he made her come, like, eight times."

Unease stirred in my stomach. I wasn't prude—far from it—but Chris had been mortified on Saturday night. I refused to inflame that by sharing even minor details. Not to mention, we were supposed to be at work, and it was none of her damn business.

"I'm not giving you the play by play, Amelia. If you really want to know what he's like, go sleep with him yourself."

Pink stained her cheeks as she blinked at me. Silence blanketed the office. Shit. Probably should have kept my voice down.

Alastair cleared his throat and wandered over. He stopped at the side of my desk, leaning over and planting his palms on the surface. The crisp tip of his salmon-pink tie brushed my notebook.

"Ladies. As interesting as this conversation is, can I perhaps suggest we postpone it until lunch?"

"No problem." Amelia straightened up and tapped the top of my screen. "Sasha's being tight-lipped, anyway."

Alastair opened his mouth as he glanced across at me, ready to say something, but then he must have decided against it when I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'd like to see some progress on those targets, Amelia," he said instead.

"Yes. Of course." Her blush deepened.

When he walked away, confusion wrinkled the corners of her eyes. Understandably so. Sometimes this office didn't feel like a workplace, and you could get away with saying anything and everything—especially when Alastair joined in. Other times, he had his boss head on and nobody knew how to act.

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