(Just saying, since Rodard's writing this, and he doesn't know their descendants very well, everybody's very out of character)
It was just a normal day for Ollapa and Anaiad, taking a walk near their hive. Suddenly! A seadweller walks up to them, and greets the two trolls.
"Hello!" He exclaimed happily. "Would you like to hear about our lord and savior, the Condescension?" The violet-blooded troll asked.
"No thank you, but thanks for asking!" Said the very caring Anaiad.
"I would!" Ollapa says joyfully. The seadweller inhales, smiling happily, before talking incredibly fast! Except, he spoke too fast, and nobody understood what he had said.
"Oh...okay..! That's interesting! What's your name? I'm Ollapa, and this is my friend, Anaiad!" The troll was excited to make a new friend.
Suddenly! Morson appeared! "The Condesce is bad!" He said. Alleph was offended. The two got into a fight, and were throwing insults at each other! Before everyone knew it, everybody got into a fight!