Chapter 10

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You walked on the beach to only feel the sand on your feet and the nice cool breeze hit your skin so you smiled and when you did you looked at Aidan to only see him looking at you so you moved closer to him to only feel him place a hand on your face so you smiled and when you did he made his thumb stroke your face then you heard him say

"I know I've said this like so many times before but I really do love you and only you"

As he said that you smiled then wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on his chest to only feel him hug you tighter so you smiled and said

"I will never get bored of you saying that and I love to"

When you said that you felt him kiss your head so you lift your head and kiss him to only feel him pick you up bridal style and when he did you pulled apart and said

"What are you doing"

When you said that he smiled then said

"Well we came to the beach to have fun so that is what we are gonna do and to do that we will have to get use to how cold the water is"

As he said that you looked at the water then back at him then at your clothes then said

"No, no Aidan you wouldn't"

As you said that he smiled then said

"Oh come on it would be fun"

As he said that he moved closer to the water so you let a small scream but a laugh as well and when you did you felt nothing but cold water hit your skin so you let a out scream and when you did your heard him laugh so you looked up to see him laughing so you stood up and said

"Oh you think it's funny"

As you said that he laughed and when he did you stood up then wrapped your arms around his neck and when you did you crashed your lips with his and when you did you felt yourself being lowered so you held onto his neck tightly to only feel yourself and him hitting the water and when he did he got up so you let out a laugh and said

"Haha did anyone ever tell that you look sexy when your wet"

As you said that he walked up to you pulled you closer to him and crashed his lips with yours so you wrapped your arms around his neck and when you did you felt him make the kiss go deeper and pull you closer so you kissed back and when you did he pulled apart and said

"Did anyone ever tell you that you beautiful just the way you are"

As he said that you lowered your head to hide your blush and when you did he let out a small laugh so you looked up then wrapped your arms around his neck then kissed him and when you did you felt yourself being picked up so you wrapped your legs around his waist to only feel him falling and the next thing you knew you where sitting on his lap in the water with your head on his shoulder laughing and his hand on your waist and his head on your chest laughing so you just lifted his head then kissed him and when you did you pulled apart and said

"This has been the best day of my life thank you"

When you said that he smiled then kissed you back and said

"No thank you babe for being letting me know what true love feels like"

As he said that you smiled then said hugged him and when you did you heard someone say

"Aww that is so cute"

As the voice said that you saw Russell and Lenora standing there so you smiled then said

"Hey guys"

As you said that Russell waved and when he did Lenora said

"How long have you guys been dating for"

"For like a day"

As Aidan said that you heard Lenora say

"Aww that is so cute I knew you guys would get together and promise me you guys would stay together"

As she said that Aidan kissed you then said

"Why would I leave her, I love her and only her"

With that you smiled then said

"And I love you to"

With that you looked at Russell then said

"How come you are here I thought you had work"

"Yea but Toby let us finish early so we thought we would come here and spend the day here and when we come here we saw you and Aidan like this so we want to ask you if we can join you"

As he said that you looked at Aidan to see him smiling and to only hear him say

"Why not"

With that you smiled then looked at Russell and lenora and said


With that you just spent the day with them at the beach enjoying being with friends and loved ones.

Please don't forget to vote and comment what you think and thanks for the votes on my other chapter.

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