****This chapter is dedicated to the song Hanging On by Ellie Goulding.****
****Also, this is basically Maka and what is happening to her, in the whole entire process of everyone else freaking out about her death. You could skip this entire chapter and miss nothing.****
~Maka's p.o.v~
It's dark.....and cold......so cold..... I can't see anything..... I feel like I'm falling..... Slowly falling into an endless darkness.... .....I can't see anything....
....What happened?....... I passed out and.... Wait.... I can faintly see something.....
It's above me..... A light?.... Where?.... Am I falling? I reach my arm out towards the light, wait! Don't go! The light starts to fade and seems to drift away. "Wait," I scream desperately, trying to move towards the light.
I don't know why, but I don't want that light to leave. I reach for the light again, the more I try to reach for it, the further it seems to get....
I am falling! I feel myself slipping and falling faster, at my new found observation. Someone help me! I don't want stay in the dark! "Help me," I scream trying to stop myself grabbing at thin air. I reach up for the light again, "don't leave me!"
"Wings....use your wings....," I hear a tiny voice say from in my mind. Wait.... That sounds like me.... I close my eyes and I can see her.... The me with the purple soul and black wings.... "Fly....," she says pointing at me, "use the wings or you'll stay here forever...."
I open my eyes, wings.... I haven't tried using them without Soul..... But she said if I don't, I'll stay in the dark forever.... Focus, try to make my soul wavelengths imitate wings.....and fly....
I can feel myself slowly stop falling. I look to my side and see the white jagged wings around me. They're glowing..... I stare in awe at them for a while, as I begin to fly upwards....
I close my eyes again, and the other me is gone.... That's weird....but she saved me. I open my eyes and look around, my wings are giving off light now, so I can see. I was falling into what seems like a bottomless pit...
I stop and look down into the endless pitch black hole, where did you lead?...... I feel a warmth on my back.... The light.....
I look up and smile.... Light.... I fly up towards it. Where do you lead too?.... I keep flying upwards as I feel a longing to be there with it. Just what are you?.....
I keep flying until I come to the top of the pit. Outside the hole, there's what seems like sunlight.. I look up and the bright light is still illuminated, even with a sun being out.
I drop to the ground and look around, it's nice here.... I look up at the blue sky dotted with clouds, and at the green grass. Where am I?.... I look around some more and I see a white podium with something circle-ish sitting on it...
I run towards the podium that seems to have appeared out of nowhere.... Why are you here, I wonder as I keep running to it. I blink and my entire surrounding has changed when I open them back up. It's dark, and the sky is dotted with stars... This is weird....
The podium, I think as frantically look around at my surroundings for it. I glance behind me, and a black podium is standing where I had started running from. I stare at the podium, confused and cautious.
.....That wasn't weird at all....
I walk to the black podium slowly and carefully, this might be a trap.... I get to the podium with no problem, and peer down at a dark purple sphere. It's insides seem to be moving on it's own.... It looks like smoke....
I place my hand on the sphere and try to pick it up. It shocks me and I cringe backwards in pain. "Ow," I say shaking my hand. I turn to look behind me, because I see something move out of the corner of my eye, "hello?" I take a step forward and blink involuntarily.
I open my eyes to be surrounded by darkness again, I can see light behind me. I turn back around and see the two podiums side by side. The black podium has the dark purple sphere, the white podium has an ocean blue sphere sitting on top. I walk toward the podium with the ocean blue sphere and peer down at it. It looks like it's losing its color.....
I hesitantly touch it. I smile when it doesn't shock me. I look down at it and it's like its color is returning. It looks pretty..... There's what looks like smoke inside, I try to touch it.
I hear a sound from behind me, so I turn around quickly. Behind me stands everyone. There's two of everyone I know..... The two of each persons are back to back with each other. Each person with it's pair stands there in the spotlight not moving. They look frozen..... Like statues almost....
I walk to them, and I stop at Soul. One Soul looks like he used to, and has a smile on his face. The one that I remember from this morning. I walk around him to the other Soul. He's is wearing the white Spartoi uniform with his signature smirk. The Soul, I remember from the beginning....
But that Soul isn't real.... I mean, they're both.... so different.... What?.... This is weird... There's two?..... I'm not crazy.... Or I'm completely losing my mind...... I hold my head, it feels like it's spinning, this isn't making sense!
I glance back at both Souls from the side, so I can see both. They are the same person, but look completely opposite each other..... It's like he went from mellow to full of himself....
I move on to the Blairs, they are the next pair beside the Souls..... One Blair looks normally and has a seductive grin. The one I remember, the witch looking dress and hat..... I move around to look at the other one. She is dressed like a maid and is slightly blushing.
Weird.... I remember Blair being more like the first one... Bombshell to bashful?.... It's like she went opposite herself.... The maid Blair was really shy..... The Blair I remember was always trying to get Soul to play with her. This is weird....
I move on to the Kids. I stop directly in front of the Kid I remember. He's looks proper, poise, clam and how I remember him. I look to the Kid on the other side, he has a smirk in his face and looks like he doesn't care about his appearance, via his carelessly button white shirt and messy hair. Self-composed to shaggy?.... Kid was REALLY different from how I remembered him.... Kid went from being an OCD, kind, neat freak to being a slob and jerk?....
I move on to the Pattis. One looks happy and careless, and is wearing her normal clothes. That's the one I remember. The other Patti has a solemn expression and looks very adult like. She's wearing business like clothes. I never met the adult-like Patti..... She seems very mature... I'm guessing she went from carefree to serious....
I look over to the Lizs. The Liz, I remember, is smiling and wearing her normal outfit. She looks normal, with her smile. Liz the scaredy cat... The other Liz is wearing a long sleeve shirt and a skirt, she looks shy.
Liz is a coward though..... I shake my head looking at her. Liz isn't insecure....maybe that's why she has the outfit change... So Liz went from not caring about her appearance, to being self-conscious?..... I never met the shy looking Liz either....
I move on to the Black*Stars. One is wearing his old black outfit, and he has a shy grin. I peer at him curiously, I never met you....but I want to.... He actually looks kind of cute like that....
I shake my head and look to the other Black*Star, he's wearing a white uniform. He has his over confident grin on, and a proud stance. Yup, you're the Black*Star, I remember. Confident to shy?.... I peer back at the shy looking Black*Star, I think, I'm starting to see a pattern...
I move on to the Tsubakis. The one I remember is wearing her tan dress and has a smirk on her face and her eyebrows raised. She looks like a bitch..... She doesn't give off that friendly aura like I remember Tsubaki does.....
I look over at the Tsubaki I remember, and see her soft smile. She's wearing the Spartoi uniform, but she's exactly like I remember, nice and sweet. ......Sweet Girl to Mean Girl?....
I move on to the Cronas. One looks shy and nervous, like I remember how Crona was. Crona is wearing the black looking dress. I move to the other Crona. It's the Crona from earlier today. He's wearing black pants, a white shirt and a gray jacket. That Crona has a cheeky grin on his face. That Crona..... He didn't seem shy at all..... Nervous-Wreck to Confident?.....
Beside him I see someone I've never seen before. He has black shaggy hair, and what looks like a scar of an X on his cheek. I raise an eyebrow in confusion. Who is he?......
He's wearing a black hoodie and baggy jeans. Who is this? He has a slightly annoyed look on his face, but he also looks like he fixing to laugh. I walk around to the other side curiously. My eyes widen in surprise. Raganarok?!?!??
I see the Raganarok, I remember. The black, weird looking, cute thing, that was fused with Crona. I walk back around to the human Raganarok, with a curious stare, "so that's what you'd look like if you were human?....." Raganarok was a manipulator and a bully to Crona.... I wonder how the human him is.... I never met him.... What am I saying, I'm hallucinating, I'm crazy, there is no way, there is two of everyone I know! There is no way, they're completely opposite of how I remember them, without me being psycho! I take a deep breath and look over to see my dad.
One looks like I remember him. The womanizer, he's not even handsome, I think walking around to the other side. On the other side, he looks different. He has different hair, clothes and a smile on his face. He looks better than he does now, in my opinion, but he is my dad so I don't know. So..... if everyone is opposite each other, I wonder what makes him opposite from the dad I remember......
I shake my head and look to see the Justins. I walk over and see the Justin, I remember, standing there, completely oblivious to anything. I see his headphones in his ears and the priest outfit. Yup, clueless, I think looking into his blank expression.
I walk around and see the other Justin. He's wearing what looks like a boy version of what I used to wear, except he's wearing solid black pants. I look at him confused, so steal my style much? He has shaggy blond hair and a half smile on his face. Don't know their difference either..... I never met him, I'd remember if someone was dressed almost exactly like I used to be. I walk past the Justins and continue down the line of people and their pairs.
I stop at Medusa. One looks exactly like I remember her, the evil grin and conniving features. Her stupid ugly black outfit thing. I glare at her and walk around to see the other Medusa.
The other Medusa looks completely opposite. She's dressed in a white lab coat, and has a genuine smile on her face. She looks like a doctor or scientist...... I like this one better, I think as I peer into her smiling face.
Moving on, I think as I walk past the Arachne pair. One looks like I remember, the gothic spider queen get up. You were okay, but evil, I think walking around to the other side.
I see Arachne with a slight smile and in a white blazer and solid black skirt. She has a stehoscope around her neck, I'm guessing she is also a doctor, or nurse. I like this one better. Although she looks odd in white, I think walking past the Arachne pair.
I stop at Free. One has the witch eye and shackles on his hands, like I remember him. The stripped uniform, from when he was in jail, and that clueless smile. I narrow my eyes and walk around to the other side. He's wearing a lab coat and has a tag reading, Dr. Freeman. I slightly laugh, so he has a better name? I shake my head laughing in confusion, "I have no idea what's real and what's not anymore...."
I move on to see Asuras. I cringe looking at the one I remember. He stabbed me last time we met.... He's covered in his creepy bandages. I peer around the other side and he's there smiling. He doesn't look so scary..... or evil..... When he smiles anyway..... He's wearing normal looking clothes and doesn't have any creepy bandages, that are visible anyway.
I keep walking past more and more pairs of people. I pass Lord Death, Professor Stein, Eureka, Sid, Mifune, and a bunch of people I know. This keeps getting weirder and weirder the more I think about it.
Everyone is opposite themselves? What does those spheres have do with this? Why did the ocean blue one look like its losing its color? How did I get here? Why is everyone frozen like statues? How long have I been here?
I keep thinking to myself, until I see just one person standing alone. They were pairs..... Why are you alone, think as I run towards them.
I see brown pigtails and my old uniform from behind. Me?..... I gulp, and walk around to see her face. It IS me..... I look down at myself and see my white uniform. Wait a minute.... I look back at the me standing there, and see she isn't wearing the yellow vest. She wearing the white shirt but has serval buttons left open showing her cleavage. Her mini skirt is hiked up, making it even shorter than it already is. "You slut," I muse angrily looking at her.
She may look like me, but I'd never wear something like that. I start thinking, so I went slutty?..... Or I was slutty?..... Huh?... I think peering into my own face, she looks like me but she isn't me.... I need answers....
I touch her arm, and I feel a shock. The me that was frozen turns her head to look at me, "we have to get back to our worlds."
I jump back startled, and start falling backwards. "What," I scream as I'm falling down. She moved! I-I moved! I expect to feel the ground my now, but I just keep falling. I fell back down the hole? "What the hell," I scream as I claw at the air.
Wings..... Focus.... Wings.... I think as I try to calm down and form them. "HELP ME GET US BACK," I hear a voice that sounds like mine scream from the top the hole.
I open my eyes, startled and slightly scared. I.... I can't focus.... "Get us back," I hear a different voice yell. I can't focus! "Back home!" Stop! "HOME MAKA, GET US BACK," I hear the voice scream.
"I can't focus," I scream as I continue falling deeper and deeper down the hole. I close my eyes, trying to calm down. The voices keep mumbling, screaming, and yelling, "switch back!" "SWITCH BACK NOW!"
Follow: @Anime_Fans_R_Us
Switch ya later & Ja ne~ Princess Goth.
(Also, I have a SasuSaku story called Twisted, just saying if I also have any SasuSaku fans reading Switch.)

A Soul Eater Fanfiction : Switch
FanfictionThis is about the cast of Soul Eater's Maka experiencing an alternate universe. What happens when the opposites meet and switch? Switch you say? For example, Crona is shy and his/her gender is unknown. In the alternate universe, Crona is most defini...