A Light in The Hallway?

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Ok HEY! I am struggling honestly. I am back in school (third year in college but still considered a sophomore -___-) and it's a brand new school! I have been in university for three years and honestly it does not get easier for me each time. I know I promised Mitch and Avi POV, and there will be, but first Kevin. But without further ado, let's begin...

Bold/Italic- Text/social media

Italic: Thoughts


Kevin rode in his Uber and went to the apartment to get his things. He went upstairs and he heard someone sobbing in their room. It was Mitch clutching on to something in his hand. He looked like he went through a rough night and he was just broken.

"Whatever happened, it must have been bad."  he thought.

He gathered what he could and made his way out the door. 


Me: Where are you

Scott: Over Alex's. I had to break it off with Mitch and I am telling Allie what happened.

Me: Well at least he didn't think you were cheating...

Scott: Oh sorry. Do you wanna come over and we can talk about this more into detail.

Me: I mean I guess we could talk about me losing a love in a lifetime I will probably never get back...

Scott: I mean about the dude we have to make some strategy to lure them out.

Me: Count me in.



"Stupid to think that I could have an actual relationship and actually have someone love me. I knew it was too good to be true." I said sitting at the bar.

I am not much of a drinker, but hey cut me some slack. The love of my life ripped out my heart....again.

"Umm excuse me?" someone asks me.

"Yeah what can I do for you?" I ask turning to see a man....a pretty good looking one.

"I sort of saw what happened earlier. Are you ok?" the guy said.

"Yeah totally. You know that was my ex-boyfriend. He cheated on me after two years. Can you believe that." I said waving my arms.

"Wow he's an a**hole." he said.

"Yeah I guess I see that now...he was just someone I really loved you know. Throughout everything he gave me positivity, he accepted me, he was always there, he loves....loved me. I just want to know who he left me for. It must be someone much better than I." I said slightly crying.

"Oh no you are so beautiful and nice. It was his lost and you shouldn't be here moping. You should be living and making new memories...with someone new." he said.

I look at him. 

"Oh I'm James by the way." he said giving me a smile.

"Maybe he could be my light. What was the saying...To get over one get under another one."  I thought shrugging.

"I mean ok sure lead the way." I say taking his hand. 

He smiles and leads me out of the bar we were in. We get close to his car and I freeze.

"Wait I can't...it is way too soon and I still love Kevin. Maybe I can talk to him and get some things straight." I said pulling away grabbing my cellphone.

I was dialing Kevin's number before James grabbed me and dragged me away. Resulting to me dropping my phone in the snow. I struggled to get him off me, but he was a pretty buff guy. He put a cloth of some thing over my face. I get sleepy and I then realize that it is chloroform. I look out my vision blurring and my attempts getting weaker and all I can think about is one thing.


Ok Omg I am done with this chapter sorry it was so short and to the point this time. THANKS FOR 200+ READS!!!!! I just saw the number and even though I think most of it is me checking where I left off. I really appreciate who reads this story <3. So I am making a whole bunch of oneshots I can wait to show you all. 9 times out of 10 it is Avin because I am Avin trash, but in a good way. Until the next chapter with Mitch!

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