Chapter 1

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"For all we can hope is that Beth, may she find peace in Heaven."

Gabriel walked away from Beth's makeshift cross at the head of her open dirt grave. Daryl picked up the shovel in the pile of dirt and shoveled some onto Beth's covered body. He did his best to hold in his tears. He handed Maggie the shovel before leaving to the cars.

Maggie went to dig from the dirt pile before breaking down. She dropped the shovel and cried into the palm of her hands. Glenn rushed to comfort his grieving wife.

"Hey, Maggie. Shhh.." whispered Glenn, in a soft tone. "It's all gonna be alright."

Maggie was enraged by that and pushed him away.

"No! It won't! You don't understand!" yelled Maggie, still sobbing her eyes out. She went off on Glenn and he let her because he knew that if he tried to calm her down, she'd just get angrier. At least, that's what he thought. Rick stood behind Maggie the entire time, thinking of what to say to comfort her since Glenn didn't know.

Rick softly touched Maggie's right arm with his palm. It stopped her yelling and she looked at Rick.

"I know what you're going through. You remember how I was after what happened at the prison...with Lori. But, we no longer have the time for that kind of grieving. The one where we're angry at everyone and just want to take on a horde of walkers. I'm sorry for your loss, Maggie." said Rick, softly.

Maggie hugged Rick and was moved by his words.

"Thank you." she said, before walking back to the others. Rick grabbed the shovel and piled the rest of the dirt onto Beth.

"Thank you, Rick." said Glenn. "I thought there was no way of calming her down there."

"Yeah..don't mention." said Rick, shaking his head.

Rick stopped his shoveling for a moment as he felt a stare. A stare from Maggie.

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