Groggy Much

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Up above Lesley

My alarm blared and I slammed my hand down hard missing. I sat straight slinging my arm left and right. "SHIT!" I almost yelled. The alarm still blared and I turned it off letting out a sigh.

I stood up rubbing my eyes trying to get all the sleepy out. My eyes wondered closed and I snatched them open quickly stumbling to the bathroom and using it. I ended up going sideways and peeing on the floor.

"Shit!" I said quickly cleaning it off.

I splashed cold water on my face and rubbed my eyes more. Shit I was tired. I didn't get home untill 1:55 and right when my face touched my bed I was out like a light.

I slipped on a black falling in reverse t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans. I put my converse on and deoderized and added cologne. I brushed my hair and teeth letting my hair fall where ever.

I grabbed my bookbag a walked downstairs grabbing a granola bar and water. The bus lights irradiated through the house and I quickly ran out getting on the bus grabbing my coat and running outside.

Since I don't have a car and my mom is to lazy to get a job I have got to ride the bus. I have no choice.

I walked towards the back and in my seat was a person with there head in my window. A black hoodie pulled over his or hers head. Heavy metal music blared from the persons direction. I suspected it was this person.

I couldn't stand when someone sat in my seat without asking. "Hey dude your in my seat." I said waiting for a response.


I finally decided to tap this persons shoulder annoyed and honestly wanting to punch them.

They turned taking the hood off. It was Harley. I mentally took back all the things I said.

"Jordan, hay!" she exclaimed.

"Oh Harley." The night before replayed in my mind, I kept seeing her naked in my mind. She patted the seat next to her with a huge smile.

I sat down setting my bookbag on the ground in front of me. " look like shit." she said out of the blue.

"Thanks." I said annoyed like.

"Don't worry you look like shit but your still cute." she chuckled slumping down in her seat and putting her knees against the seat in front of us.

"Thanks...I guess." is all I could say.

She stared at me for awhile, I could see her out the corner of my eye. "Your not very talkative in the morning are you?" she said.

"No I'm just tired." I said rubbing my eyes then looking her way or eyes connecting.

Her brown eyes looked brighter with makeup on. I've never seen her with makeup on, she had black eyeliner on and mascara. Her lips were a soft pink making them kissable. Her hair was parted and she fumbled with it trying to flop it back to one side. Unfortunately every time she flipped it, it fell back naturally parting down the middle.

"Well you can sleep if you'd like." she said patting her shoulder.

I wanted to so bad. I wanted to snuggle against her and take in her cherry and vanilla scent. I wanted to feel her warm hand in mine and fall asleep close to her. .... But I didn't. "I'm fine." I said slumping to her level.

"Suit yourself." she responded playing with her black chipped fingernails.

"What class do you take first?" she asked trying to strike a conversation.

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"Um biology, what about you?" I asked staring into her big beutiful eyes.

"I have calculas. Perfect day to start a day, math. My second period is biology then I have ag, then lunch, Business, and lastly literature." she swiped away fake sweat from her forehead. "What a schedule." She smiled up at me.

I couldn't help but smile back. "We have three classes together ag, business and lit." I redponded trying to keep her talking.

"So we won't have two classes together." she said just as we were pulling into the school parking lot.

Everybody unloaded and me and Harley headed to class. I showed her calculas, since it was her first day here, and I headed to biology.

I sat chewing on my pencil while Mr. Bullard sat rambling about our 3rd project of this semester. All of a sudden I felt a hand run up my leg. I jumped but not enough to fall out my seat. I looked over and it was Lesley Canon looking at me biting her lip.

"Hey tiger." she said piercing me with her baby blue eyes.

I was tounge tied. Lesley Canon is a girl every guy wants, the one that wears the mini skirt and bends over in front of a guy just to reveal her cleavage to them. The platinum blonde hair that's always in a perfect French braid. The only problem is if your caught flirting with her, her boyfriend Drew Cullvent will snap your neck like a twig.

Drew, the star quarter back of our football team. Mascaline and looks down on skinny guys like me with a smirk. Letting you know you'll never have a body as good as his or a girl as beautiful. He's arrogant and rich and will turn his back on you in a heartbeat.

"Hey you okay baby?" she asked running her hand further up my leg.

She called me baby! What do I do?! "Um..I-I'm fine." I swallowed starring at Her swallowing the lump in my throat further. I failed trying to be casual.

"How about you meet me at lunch you know the alley between the two buildings." she ran her French tip nail down my cheek. I shivered at her touch.

"Uh..I um-" i stuttered.

"Okay see you then." she said getting up just as the bell rung.

I got up my hands nervously shaking and collected all my items heading to my locker. I shut my locker and standing beside me holding all her note books to her chest, was Harley. She smiled up at me leaning on the locker beside her on her shoulder.

"I figured out where all the classes are." She stated standing straight.

"Cool." is all I said. You stupid idiot! You don't just say cool what the fuck is wrong with you! Cool? What's wro-

"So I guess I'll see you at lunch?" She asked her lips in a smile. The pale pink was now faded and barely visible.

"Um about that.." I said thinking about Lesley. "I've got to help on something in biology." I said guilt building up. I peeled over her shoulder and Lesley had her arms wrapped around drew in a flirtatious mode. He just shrugged her off.

Why am I so nervous? Its not like we're together, is it because we went skinny dipping together? I feel terrible for lying.

Her small smile faded but she did a slight, sad, smile. "Okay I'll see you later then." she said turning and walking away.

I laid my forehead on my locker. My god I feel so bad for having to lie to Harley. But Lesley asked to meet me. Jordan how could you turn Harley down? Your such a idiot!

I then felt two hands run up my side and rest on my chest. I turned to see Lesley with her arms crossed over her chest with her usual sexy smile. I looked over and drew was gone.

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