Chapter Two. Not-so-fun day

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Julie's POV~~~~

My parents and my sister got in their car and I hopped on my motor cycle. We made our way from Maryland to New York in about four hours and I was happy that I didn't have to hear my sister Gabrie asking "how many minutes?" Every five minutes. I would hurt her. I'm also glad I didn't have to hear her One Direction CDs on replay. I hate them sooooo much. They sing all right but are so idiotic and immature. Some people just need to grow up and they refuse to. They also won't admit that they are homosexual. It's not that hard to do. Gabrie makes me watch videos of them and read their twitter posts to her and I just don't care about them. I take a look around and check the time on my phone 9:45. I send a quick text to Kaitlyn saying "tomorrow can't come soon enough. Here comes suckish fam fam day. Lol". I sigh and walk over to my mom. "Are you going to do something about that helmet hair?" She asks. I look in the mirror of the car and see that my chestnut hair that comes down to mid chest is jacked up. I pull is up into a ponytail "Is that better?" I say coldly and she just nodded in aprovement. The rest of the day went like that us sightseeing and being nasty to each other.

Once they got home still Julie POV~~~

I sighed and put my phone on its charger on the nightstand I changed into a pair of shorts that said LOVE on the butt and a tank top. I sat criss cross applesauce on my bed ant checked my twitter. I put up a new post "leaving tomorrow for London. Can't wait loves. xx". I went back to my home screen and checked my alarm to make sure I had one set for 9:45. I put away my left over things and went to sleep. Or at least attempted to. See when I look forward to something i compleatly over think every single little detail. I start to wonder about sinareos that are so unlikely that it's kind of funny. Like what if the plane crashed, or what if we had a psyco on the plane and we all died. Most of them were quite negative and graphic, but that's what my mind came up with. As I go through my thoughts a certain face pops into my mind...Zach.... I start to wonder about the whole sittuation. I was so happy but I always thought something was slightly off. I started to wonder why he chse me to hurt, me to lead on, and moslty me to ruin.   


So how was my lovelies?? I really hope you are enjoying these and I'm gonna make the next one longer. I'll even put in some other point of views. And just keep in mind I am an awkward turtle and sometimes it just comes out in my writing. I love you all for reading it. Please vote and comment!

Tough Love   (Niall Horan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن