I woke up and jumped out of my bed and went to the bathroom. Brushed my hair and went out to Ringo's room.
"Good morning..." I started to say, but stopped. Ringo's bed was empty. The room looked just as it always did. Ringo's cloths were nowhere. I went downstairs and hurried in the kitchen.
"Mom wheres the boys?" I asked.
"Upstairs." She said.
"There not there!"
"They have to be no one came down." She said. "And Ringo got in bed at mid night last night. No 1am." She said.
"But..." I ran back up the stairs and into our media room. I looked at the couch in which Paul slept on. He was gone.
"Was that all a dream! Couldn't be, my mom knew what i was talking about." I shook my head and went back to my room. I sat down on my bed. I noticed a letter on my pillow. It wasn't there before.
I picked it up and unfolded it. "Oh my..." I gasped and went to the phone.
"Maria? Sorry! But this is irrgent! Is John and George there?" I asked there was silence then her voice came back through the phone.
"No? Well i got this letter here. We have to get together. And go look for them!" I said she agreed and we hung up.
I opened my eyes. I saw bars in front of me and the floor was cold. I sat up and felt around. It was dark and the floors, as i could tell, were concrete.
"John, George, Rings!" I called.
"Yeah Paul?" I heard John reply.
"Where are you?"
"In the corner." He said.
"Which one." I asked straining my eyes in the darkness to see.
"Find a bed."
"Okay." I said and felt my way about in the darkness. I heard a key turn and light streamed through the door. I saw a mans shadow and he walked in. The lights turned on. I looked about me, John was just a few feet in front of me. The man had something around his face. Only his eyes were uncovered.
"Come with me." He said pulling me.
"Where are you taking him?" John asked.
"We have two we can do you at the same time." He cackled and grabbed John. Another guy came in and took John from him. I looked over at Ringo and George, who were lying on the ground undisturbed.
We were taken into a corridor and into another room. They locked the door. I saw two chairs infront of me. John was placed into one and strapped in. Then i was strapped into the next chair. The guy gave another little laugh and walked out of the room. Me and John exchanged worried looks.
"We have to find them some where!" I said.
"This guy said to come here in the letter. Nothing happens!"
"Its just a trick." i said.
"Don't give up Hanna." Maria said.
"I know. But im worried! What could they be doing..." I felt the ground give way under me and i fell through a hole.
I heard Maria yell, "Ill get the Po..." Her words were cut off as i fell into a long running hallway with doors on either side.
I went over to one of the doors and looked in through the window. Micheal Jackson?
It was Michael Jackson, and he didn't have any plastic surgery done.
"Michael!" I said.
He looked up and smiled. "Hello, who may you be?"
"How did you get here?" I asked.
"They took me."
"Do you know who else is here?" I asked.
"Nope. But there is a female in here i know." He said and then laid down.
"Im going to go look."
"Be careful" he said and closed his eyes.
I walked to the next door and looked in the window. No body. Then i went to the next one and gasped. Linda McCartney was laying on the bed sleeping. But she was there in front of me.
I studied her. She was breathing, nothing seemed wrong with her. I walked to the one across from her. The window was shut so i didn't bother looking in. I went to the next one and looked in. This time a young man was standing and leaning against the wall deep in thought.
"Hello." I said. I startled him.
"Please don't take me!" He pleaded. His voice was familiar.
"Are...are you...are you Larry Hovis!" I asked.
He looked stunned. "Yes, who are you?"
"Oh my starrs!" I exclaimed.
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothing, i want to know, whats going on here?"
"These people they torcher you! Until your dead!" He said.
"But your died."
"I know, but they took this body from the Andy Griffith Show session. So im alive. I came out of a box with a bunch of blinking things. I found my self here. Where am i anyways?"
"Your in 2011." I told him.
He gapped. "How i get here?"
"Through that box. Its called a time-traveler...thats how i can get my friends back!" I exclaimed.
"Where are they from?"
"Their The Beatles. But there from the 1950s."
"Oh yeah that Rock group in the 60s."
"You know?"
"Yes, just because im in this body doesn't mean i know i filmed Hogan's Heroes, and other shows." He laughed.
"can you sing something?" I asked.
"Not a smart idea here. Besides im an actor not a singer."
"But your good!"
"How would you know?"
"Ive seen videos of you singing." I smiled.
"WHat other things can you do in this year."
"Well, im not sure. I.."
"Hanna? Is that you?" I heard a voice from behind me.
"George?" I turned around and msiled to see George's face.
"One minute Mr. Hovis." I said and walked over to george.
"Are you okay? Wheres Paul?" I asked.
"they took them away!" George said.
"Who else?"
"Oh no!"
"Yeah you better find them quick. There in for trouble." Larry said behind me. I looked at him.
I heard a few thuds and moans from back down the corridor. I crouched down and watched with wide eyes.
"Hello?" i whispered.
"Hanna? Its Maria!" was a reply.
I stood up and walked over.
"Glad your here! Officer can you open these cell doors?" I asked.
"Dont rush to things."
"But we must get them out first then, Save my friends!"
"You should go to your friends first." Larry said.
"Because, there in danger. Serious danger."
The police went forward and me and Maria followed. They got there pistols out and opened the end of the corridor's door.