Sunday morning, John awoke in the Hospital Wing to find Sherlock had disappeared. Sitting up, he saw that poor Julia Stoner was still lying motionless in her bed, looking quite blue. He sighed sadly, got up and walked down to breakfast. On his way, he met Sherlock in the Entrance Hall.
"Have you seen the notice boards, John?" he asked
"No, I haven't been up to Gryffindor Tower yet. Why, what's happened?"
"Well," Sherlock bounced on the balls of his feet, "I know how you just love Potions - and you're very good at it, by the way - I was just wondering whether you were interested in joining Potions Club with me? There's a meeting for new members at ten"
John laughed, "Okay, I'm interested"
They arrived at Greenhouse One at the appointed time. Professor Trevor and a few seventh years talked about Potions Club: what you did and the advantages of joining it and all that jazz, and soon everyone present became official members.
John turned to Sherlock as they re-entered the castle,
"You only wanted to join because of the attack on Julia Stoner,"
"Of course"
"Do you really think it was an attack?"
"How could it be an accident? Professor Trevor makes a good point in asking why someone would drink from an unlabeled potions bottle, especially when the older students dabble with experimental poisons"
"What if someone accidentally poisoned her?"
"If it was an accident, why did they run away?"
John nodded,
"So, who do you think it is?"
"It's got to be someone she knew otherwise she wouldn't have engaged with them long enough to poison her"
"Right, but, that could be anyone!"
"John, the incident occurred at a quarter past nine-"
"I was out that long?"
"-and the only people who would have been around are the Potion Club members, fourth years and up. That narrows our range of suspects dramatically. Also, Moonseed poison, would only be found in Greenhouse Three, and Professor Trevor would have noticed if someone strange was hanging around"
"What about Trevor's office? Wouldn't Moonseed poison be there?"
"Moonseed is a plant and a very poisonous one at that, so we can safely assume it was taken from one of the greenhouses, Greenhouse Three being more likely"
"What if it was Trevor who poisoned Stoner? We only have one witness, and that's Professor Trevor himself!"
"Why would Professor Trevor poison one of his best students? I don't see any logic in that"
"Who did it then?"
"Well, we're going to have to form a list of suspects"
"So, a list of all the Potions Club members, years four and up?"
. . .
Monday, after lessons, John and Sherlock headed into Greenhouse One for Potions Club. There were several students talking animatedly with each other while creating bright coloured concoctions in their cauldrons.
"Ah, hello boys!" someone cried
Professor Trevor rushed forward and shook John and Sherlock's hands enthusiastically

Moonseed, A Sherlock Holmes Crossover
FanfictionA Sherlock Holmes crossover with the Potterverse. Sherlock Holmes and his best friend John Watson decide to investigate when their Potions Master bursts into the Hospital Wing with surprising news.