It was 1999, America, USA. The plane trip returning to Finland was 10 minutes away from taking off in this cold rainy evening. I looked into my bag one last time, making sure that I didn't leave anything behind in my dorm. The taxi stopped, hinting to me that we have arrived at the airport. I payed the taxi driver and thanked him for driving me here in this wet and cold weather. I stepped out of the car as I walked towards the trunk, closing the door behind me. I opened the trunk, as I pulled out my bright red suit case that my older brother bought me for Christmas. Red wasn't particually my favorite color, but I was still thankful towards him and graciously accepted his gift. I closed the taxi trunk, as I ran into the airport, almost slipping on the water in front of the airport gate. Luckily no one saw that.... I hope. I took my now drenched self into the building as I walked up to the escalator. I took my hood off as I shook my hair to get some water out. Then I noticed the weird stares of people looking at me as I reached the top of the escalator. It was probably my red eye. The one red left eye that I was born with. People probably thought I was some demon child that was born into this world. Eh... I think I'm over exaggerating. I pulled my hood back up as I walked over to the entrance of the plane, my face facing down. The lady asked for my ticket as I handed them in and walked by her entering the plane. I noticed a lot of people in the plane as I walked into the actual plane. Are this many people really going to Finland? Some of them don't even look Finnish. Oh well. I located my seat in the back as I sat next to a girl with headphones and eyes closed. I quietly loaded my suitcase in the shelf thing that holds luggage, as I sat myself down next to her. Next to me on the other side were two boys. One a bit smaller then the other and a lot shyer too. They didn't seem to know each other, so I just turn back as I rested my head and drifted off to sleep. It was maybe about 4 or 5 hours later, when I suddenly heard a ladies scream and I snapped out of my peaceful slumber. I turned my head to the window as I saw bright red and orange flames, burning the right wing of the plane. I heard screaming and crying, as I saw people rushing out of their seats in fear. I saw that the girl next to me was quiet. I turned to her as I saw a big face that expressed utter fear and sadness. I held onto her shaky hands as she looked at me with a face of confusion, still with a bit of fear in there. I sighed as I tightly grabbed her hand. "Hey... don't worry. Everything will be fine." She looked at me as she started crying and yelling at the same time. "We... we're not okay! I'm scared! Scared that something might happen to us!" I wrapped my arms around her to ease her screaming a little. And thankfully it helped. "I'm Nathan.... tell me who you are." The girl stopped yelling as she hugged me back and whispered. "I-I'm.... Stephanie." I released a thankful sign as I hugged her more tightly. "Stephanie.... it was nice meeting you."

Science FictionIn 1999, an international plane crashed and killed all passengers aboard... or so the world thought. 5 young kids abord the plane survived, giving each other support to stay alive. They learn to trust, fight, love, hunt and betray. And they were nea...