Chapter 4: A New Pokemon

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Sonic gazed into the blue sky as he relaxed against a hill that was lush with grass and spectacular flowers that dotted the plains. He was wary of the time, because he knew that if he was late for his date with Amy, there would be hell to pay. Sonic smiled to himself. Even though the pink hedgehog sometimes made him uncomfortable, she was a bold and kind character that made her easy for Sonic to hang out with, even if she did get a little carried away.

Lost in his thoughts, he almost didn't hear the machinary advancing behind him, but when he did a wry smile appeared on his lips. Eggman wanted to play. 'I should probably give the poor guy a fighting chance.' he thought cockily as he pretended not to hear the doctors guns aim at him.

"Stop playing games, Sonic!" Eggman boomed "You need to start getting more serious!" he advised as he slammed his fist onto the 'fire' button. Sonic lept out of the way as bullets pummeled the grass behind him. He rocketed through the machines and stood in front of Eggman as they collapsed behind him.

"They were surprisingly easy. I think it's you that needs to get more serious, Egghead! Easy games are no fun!" Sonic chided, but was taken aback as Eggman willingly left his Egg Mobile to face him head to head. He pulled out a small red and white ball and threw it with all his might, but it went no where near the hedgehog "You really need to work on your aim!" Sonic grinned at him, but his smile dropped when the ball opened and Hypno appeared. As soon as Sonic looked into his eyes, he was gone.

Sonic groaned as he opened his eyes weakly and found Amy and Tails asleep beside him. They looked distressed and the hedgehog could see that they'd been crying, which really got him pumped with anger. He was about to jump up to find Eggman when he realised that the evil genius was right in front of him.

"Eggman!" he tried to growl, but it came out groggy and he had to clear his throat. He realised that the more he tried to move the weaker he was and slumped in defeat. Eggman chuckled quietly, faking a nonchalant attitude.

"It's the end of the road for you, Sonic." the mad scientist told him matter-of-factly. "If you try to use the chaos emeralds your body will be destroyed because you're too weak. You could try and run away, but you wouldn't get far so I'd just bring you back." Eggman pulled out a red and white ball that Hypno had appeared from before, but Sonic could see Hypno a few feet behind the doctor, so he knew that it was an empty ball. "Basically, my dear Sonic, you're mine!" he grinned and Sonic closed his eyes. He tried so hard to think of a way out, but he couldn't see any road to freedom this time. He was afraid that if he woke his friends, they'd be attacked by Hypno, which was the last thing he wanted, and he felt too weak to do anything else. Sonic cursed himself silently, he should never have been so cocky! If he was destroyed now, what would happen to Mobius?

"Wait, Eggman." Sonic murmured as he looked back up at him pleadingly "Please promise one thing. Promise that you'll never do what you've done to me to anyone on Mobius."

"Why would I promise you that?" he snickered and threw the pokeball. It hit Sonic square in the chest and he was swallowed up into a flash of red. The pokeball rocked for a moment, but then it was still and a red light disappeared, signifying a successful capture. Eggman grinned and turned to Hypno excitedly. "I did it! I actually did it!" he laughed happily "I'm gonna get rid of that filthy hedgehog once and for all! Thank you, Hypno!" Eggman grinned at him "You're going to be a great asset to me from now on."

"Hypno!" Hypno agreed and followed the doctor as he took Sonic to be transported to Professor Oak, locking the room as he left in case the fox and pink rodent tried to interfere.

"Ah Eggman, good news, I hope?" the professor beamed at him and Eggman beamed doubly back.

"For once, it actually is!" he laughed cheerily as he placed Sonics pokeball on the teleportation device and watched, almost disbelievingly, as it disappeared. Was that really it? No malfunctions? No last minute 'I'll save you!' speeches? Nothing? "I can't believe I've actually done it!" he whispered.

"I've just recieved the pokeball. I have to say Eggman, if he really is as fast as you say, then I'm impressed!" Professor Oak praised "Getting a Pokemon like that is high level stuff. You'd be great as a Pokemon master!" he exclaimed as he released Sonic into his house. The hedgehog looked shaken and looked around wildly, before seeing Eggman on the screen. He glared at him as he leaned weakly against a wall.

"What have you done to me, Eggman? How was that even possible?" he hissed as he clung to the wall, but Eggman just grinned.

"You'll never bother me again, hedgehog!" he sneered "Never! I hope you enjoy your new little home, because you'll be staying there for a very long time!" Eggman laughed his 'ho ho ho' laugh with nothing but pure joy as he turned off his screen and left Professor Oak and Sonic together. Since Sonic was still weak, he didn't say anything, but stood quietly against a wall and focused on breathing as he looked at Professor Oak, who made a thoughtful 'hmm' noise.

"So you're a talking Pokemon, huh?" he more stated than asked the hedgehog as he rubbed his chin. "What's your name?" Sonic took a moment to take a breath so that he could reply, because he knew he didn't have it in him to do much, if anything.

"Sonic." he said, but as soon as it came out he groaned and slipped to the floor.

"Are you ok?" Professor Oak knelt beside him worriedly.

"Eggman did something rotten," Sonic grimaced, it was painful to speak. Being cramped in that pokeball had made him worse, he was sure!

"Oh my, we're going to need to take you to a Pokemon hospital!" Professor Oak decided and held out his pokeball, waiting for him to get in.

"No," Sonic flinched away from it "Please don't put me back in there!"

"I need to get you to the Pokemon hospital, Sonic!" Professor Oak repeated "You've got to go back into the pokeball."

"No." Sonic rolled to his side and curled up miserably "Leave me alone. I'll get better by myself."

Professor Oak stepped back and observed the hedgehog. He was a strange looking Pokemon, with a strange attitude, but it just showed how much they still had loads to learn about the creatures he lived with every day. "I'm really sorry Sonic." the professor sighed and threw the pokeball at him. Sonic was too weak to leap out of the way, and watched in horror as it was opened up and he was swallowed by the red flash.

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