(Madison's point of view)
Thanksgiving week:Denny just went into surgery. Kyle, Denny's teammate, is here. Kyle won the Championship. It was absolutely amazing. I loved seeing him win it. He deserved it so much. It's the comeback story of the decade.
Denny and I are getting married on December 12th. It's winter wonderland themed. My dress is already picked out, and I can't wait to wear it.
Wedding Day:(Denny's point of view)
I'm getting ready a couple of doors down from Madison. I've been practicing the vows I've written. I'm so nervous, but so excited at the same time.
(Madison's point of view)
There's a knock at the door of my dressing room. Taylor and Sophia are sitting on the floor playing and not even paying attention. I walk towards the door, careful not to step on my dress.
"Hello?" I say through the door.
"Can you open the door. It's us. Your parents."
My heart drops into my stomach. I don't know what to think. I slowly open the door, willing myself not to cry and mess up my makeup. Standing there are my parents, along with my aunt and Sam, Kyle's wife, in their bridesmaids dresses.
"Hi, honey." My Dad said.
He still looked the same. They both did.
"Hi." I say, in shock.
They bring me in for a hug and I hug them tighter than I've ever hugged anyone. They sat down and explained everything to me. To shorten the long story, they were working as undercover agents for the FBI. They weren't allowed to see me, because it would put us all in danger. I know it sounds like something out of a movie. Now I need to clear my head and practice my vows I wrote.
(Denny's point of view)
I'm standing at the end of the aisle, watching as Madison and the girls walk down the silver carpeted aisle, towards me. Madison looks absolutely breathtaking, as usual. Her parents are walking her down. They came and talked to me and told me everything. I'm happy they're here. Madison needed them so much more than she would ever admit.
(Madison's point of view)
The girls look adorable as flower girls. Denny looks so handsome, just like he does everyday. I can't believe I'm marrying him.
"Who gives this bride away?" The priest asks.
"We do." My parents said, holding my hands.
"Good. We may be seated..." I grabbed Denny's hands and looked him in the eyes. He was crying, just like I was.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness Madison and Denny marry. I would like to read a quote by Edmund O'Neil titled Marriage Is A Promise Of Love. "' Marriage is a commitment to life, to the best that two can find and bring out in each other. It offers opportunities for sharing and growth that no other human relationship can equal; A joining that is promised for a lifetime. Within the circle of its love, Marriage encompasses all of life's most important relationships. A wife and a husband are each other's best friend, confidant, lover, teacher, listener, and critic. There may come times when one partner is heartbroken or ailing, and the love may resemble the tender care of a parent for a child. Marriage deepens and enriches every facet of life. Happiness is fuller, memories are fresher, commitment is stronger, and even anger is felt more strongly, but also passes away more quickly. Marriage understands and forgives the mistakes life is unable to avoid. It encourages and nurtures new life, new experiences, and new ways of expressing love through the seasons of life. When two people pledge to love and care for each other, in marriage, they create a spirit unique unto themselves which binds them closer than any spoken or written words. Marriage is a promise, a potential made in the hearts of two people who shall exchange their vows.'" Denny you first." The priest finished.
Denny smiled and squeezed my hands, "Madison, where to begin... You are my best friend, partner in crime, life, and parenthood, and most importantly my one true love. I promise to encourage you, inspire you, and love you truly, through good times and bad. I will forever be there to laugh with you, lift you up when you are down, and to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together. You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow you still manage to love me. You are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I'm the one who gets to marry you." I could hear awes around the room. His vows were incredible. I'm balling like a baby.
"Madison, your turn." The priest said.
"Denny... I love you so much. You have been my best friend, playmate, mentor, confidant, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life, and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible... You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. I promise to love you, cherish you, support you, and care for you, forever, no matter what. I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today becomes our life together." I finished with tears streaming down my face. Denny was smiling widely at me, and winked.
"Now for the exchanging of the rings... Denny." The priest said.
Denny held the ring in his left hand and my left in his right.
"Madison, I give you this ring as a reminder that I will love, honor, and cherish you, in all times, in all places, and in all ways, forever. " Denny said, as he put the ring on my finger. I smiled at him.
"Madison." The priest said.
I grabbed the ring.
"Denny, I give you this ring as a reminder that I will love, honor, and cherish you, in all times, in all places, and in all ways, forever. " I said, as I put the ring on his finger.
The priest smiled, "By the power invested in me... I now pronounce you husband and wife... You may kiss the bride!" The priest said, as Denny leaned in and kissed me, holding me tight.
This is my life. This is everything I have ever wanted .
(Denny's point of view)
I felt like I was dreaming. I'm actually married to Madison, the love of my life.
1102 words
I can't believe it. One more chapter left until the book is over. Thank you guys so much for the support. I never thought that my book would get this many reads and votes. I can't wait for you guys to read the last chapter. Hope you liked this chapter. It was so much fun to write. Also, one more month until racing season!!!!! YAYYYYYY!!!!! :)
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