Chapter 3

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Having to decide between what's best, and what I want-

She smiled at me, and flounced out of her chair to come over, probably to give me a hug. When she reached me, I recoiled from her hands and grabbed her forearms, pinning them to her side. "What are you doing here?" I hissed. She just cocked her head. "What do you mean, Jellybean?" I scowled at her. She was the only one from our world to have tasted a Jellybean, or even seen one. She had captured a Scribe and forced them to write her onto the Earth Plane. She was brought back by the other Scribes, and banished to an old, abandoned kingdom. They told her to that if she wanted her freedom and power, she could have a whole kingdom to run on her own. She also couldn't leave the boundaries, or she would be placed under high-security arrest. The only reason that everyone knew of the Earth Plane was because of her. She was also the reason I had to marry the Prince, for more protection.

"You know exactly what I mean, Katie. Why are you away from your Kingdom? You know the consequences." She smiled, and in that moment I knew that moment that she found the only loophole. "I'm here on business. My Kingdom has flourished, and now I'm here to offer something to the current King and Queen of the Bay Kingdom. And you, the future Queen and Scribe arrived just on time. Please, sit." She gestured towards her chair, but I knew by my Dad's look that she did something to it. So, I sat by my dad on the couch. She scowled at me, then at back down on the chair, crossed her legs, clasped her hands and leaned them on her knees.

"Honestly, did you think that I was stupid or something? Did you think that I would never figure out the loophole? Please, you-" "Just get on with it Katie!" I screamed, earning a reproving glance by Dad. She narrowed her aqua blue-green eyes at me, and started to continue, when the door opened. And in walked Mia, looking terrified.


Ahalf-hour later, me, Dad and Mia were in a cab with Hershey and Spot pulling us home. I was still fuming, and I only got angrier when I looked at Mia and saw the tear-stains running down her face. I continued to pat her on the back and reassureher. Sadly it waasn't working. If Katie wasn't a Queen, I'ld kill her for doing this to Mia. She had already had enough problems in her life. I still couldn't believe what Katie had offered. It was my way out, and yet, I knew deep down that I couldn't do it. I tried to recall her reasoning...

"So, Jaz, I'm actually here to help you. I know you don't want to be Queen, that you hate the Prince, and don't wish for the responsibility of being Scribe to rest on your shoulders. So, I'm here to let you out of all this." I looked at her without blinking. How could this be? I wondered, There was no way, right? I narrowed my eyes at her, hoping she wasn't leading me on a false trail. She smiled.

"Yes, Jaz, I can do this. See, we could trade places. You run the Freedom Kingdom, while I become Queen of the Bay Kingdom, and Wife to the Prince, and Scribe." she trailed off at the end, like she didn't care, and shrugged, to emphasis her point. I didn't believe her, though. She wanted to go back to the Earth Plane badly. If she was a Scribe, she could. I eyed her, up and down, while she just stared at my hand. The ring.

"So, what do you say Jaz? Are you willing to trade?" she said it evenly, but her body was tense, and behind her I-could-care-less-about-your-choice look, i could see anxiousness and hope. She wanted this, bad. And, sadly, she wouldn't get it.

"Sorry, Queen Katie, but I, Jasmine Scribe, refuse that offer. Absolutely not." I watched as her face paled. She rested her head on her knees. I leaned foward, and said, "By the way, what do you want to go back to the Earth Plane for anyway?" Her face contorted into fury. "How-How dare you?" She screeched, and leaped towards me. I calmly pushed her off and stood up, moving towards Mia. "I dare, dear-old Katie, because you are breaking new Scribe laws. So, I'm just wondering, is all. Why risk it?" She looked towards me, and focused on Mia.

"Mia, is that you? Do you remember me Mia? Your sister-in-law? Where's your husband? My brother? Mia, whre is he?" Mia started shaking. Her husband, Katie's brother, it all clicked. The man she ran from, I knew he looked familiar. That's because he was Katie's younger brother. Mia turned and ran, but not before Katie said, "You don't belong in this Kingdom Mia. You belong in mine, and you know it."

I followed Mia, but stopped and looked back at Katie still on the floor. "Mia is under my protection, Katie. So unlike you, she actually can live here." I smirked as her triumphant grin slipped off her face, and swept out of the room, not looking back.

"Mia!" I called, racing after her. I found her in the Kitchen, with the cook whispering words in her ear. I sat on the other side and put my arm around her. A couple minutes later, Dad found me. As soon as he entered the room, I spoke up. "I've made my decision. Mia is coming with me to Scribe training."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2012 ⏰

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