Clint vowed to himself that he was done chasing Natasha, but that failed within the first half an hour. He had to win her over, no matter what. He sat in his nest, right where he normally sat. He stared down at everything. It’d gone back to the way it typically was, not too hectic but never really calm either. He saw Dr. Selvig sitting at a computer. When did he get there? He figured he must have come while Clint was sitting in with Natasha.
He was bored and he felt this empty feeling. He stood up, picking up his bow and readying an arrow. He narrowed his eyes and looked for something to shoot at. He settled for a wall between a couple of computers. He pulled back the string and focused hard on the wall. It was a pretty far shot, but he was Hawkeye. He was the best living marksman on Earth, right? He quickly let go of the string and the arrow soared through the air, landing exactly where he’d wanted it. He smiled as a couple of shrill screams rang out, but no one was injured.
Smiling once again, Hawk found his next target. He ignored the dirty and annoyed looks he was getting from everyone in that corner of the room. He saw one man who worked there but never seemed to be doing work. Clint narrowed his eyes and saw the man playing Galaga. He never did any work, so Clint thought it was about time for that guy to be taught not to play games at work. He pulled out another arrow, readied it, focused on the screen, and shot. The screen immediately went black and it cracked, and the man screamed. Clint began to laugh hysterically as he slid down his rope and onto the main floor. Then he rushed out of the room before anyone could yell at him.
He walked down the long hallway to Natasha’s room. He felt like he needed to talk to her, and frankly he just wanted to make things right. He didn’t exactly want things to go back to the way they were, but he at least didn’t want it to be the way it was then. He stood outside her door and took a deep breath. What was he going to say? He prepared a speech inside his head. He planned to tell her that he understood that she didn’t want him to love her, and he’d back off, but he was willing to wait a thousand years for her. He planned to tell her that she meant everything to him and that he wouldn’t be going anywhere, in case she changed her mind. He planned to then kiss her on the cheek and walk away, and that was how he hoped that conversation would go.
He knocked quietly on her door. “Uh, come in!” she said, sounding a little nervous. He wondered why as he opened the door, and then he saw why. A tall, pale blue thing stood with it’s back turned to him. “Frost Giant?” he whispered to himself. The Frost Giant had Natasha held up against the wall by her wrist. Her arm was covered in ice and she looked like she was struggling not to scream.
Clint studied the Frost Giant over for a second as he reached for an arrow. It was tall and pale blue. Clint stood feet away and he could still feel it’s cold skin. He could vaguely see its glowing red eyes. It wore nothing but ragged burlap around its middle and a burlap cloak. He could see this pleasure in the way it moved, it liked watching Natasha suffer. Clint watched Natasha kick and flail, attempting to get away.
Clint grabbed an arrow quickly and readied it. He pulled the bow up and aimed toward the Frost Giant. He quickly released the arrow and the arrow hit the Frost Giant on the back of the neck, killing him. Natasha dropped to the floor beside it, gently touching her arms. Clint threw down his bow and knelt down beside her. “What happened?” he asked.
“I was just sitting in here when the room started to fill with ice and I looked under my bed and that thing popped out!” she said.
“You’ll be okay.”
He took her arms and studied them. They were almost covered in ice and they looked to hurt her. It was like a giant frost bite. He gently touched it, but she instantly pulled away, lurching in pain. “Ouch.” She whispered.
“Just close your eyes. You’ve been through worse than a little frost bite. You’ve gone through explosions and gun fights… You’re fine. You survived a Hulk-Out and an alien attack. You’re okay.” He whispered, trying to sooth her.
“I… Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Saving my life… Again.”
“I wasn’t going to let it kill you.”
“You’ve done that multiple times, Clint.”
“And you’ve saved mine once or twice. It’s okay. Don’t thank me.”
“But… What if I want to?”
Before Clint even had time to think, Natasha quickly propped up on her knees and kissed him. It was quick, but it was like nothing he’d ever felt before. They sat there for only a few seconds, kissing in the cold, frozen room. Natasha slowly inched closer to Clint, trying to get warm. Clint was shocked at first, then kissed her back. He’d broken through to her. She pulled away after only a few moments. Clint started into her eyes, smiling faintly.
“Lets get you fixed up.” He whispered, gently touching her frost-bitten arms. She nodded and the two slowly stood up. Clint gently took her wrists in his hands. She trembled in pain, but let him hold her. “Come on. It’s going to be okay.” He said, soothing her. He slowly started out of the cold room, walking backward and guiding her out. He studied her arms as he carefully walked back. Her arms were covered in a layer of ice. They were cold and they looked sickening.
“You feel alright?” he asked.
“Yeah. I’m fine.” She responded.
“You sure? Your arms don’t hurt?”
“They’ll be fine.”
“Okay… Thanks.”
“What for?”
“Thank you for letting me in.”
“I wanted to let you in. I was afraid.”
“But you aren’t afraid now?”
“I am. This is the most horrifying thing I’ve ever done. But I love facing my fears.”
“I know you do.”
Natasha didn’t say anything. Clint smiled at her and quickly led her into the kitchen on the ship. It was a big room with a huge refrigerator and freezer. There were two stoves and a sink. There was no one in there and not many people came in there much. At S.H.I.E.L.D, people didn’t have much time to sit around and eat. They were always busy, and most of the workers really only ate two or three real meals a week, and the rest of the time they ate whatever snacks agents like Clint and Natasha brought back up from when they went down into the world.
Clint let go of Natasha’s arms and opened a few drawers, looking for a wash rag. He finally found one after a couple minutes and took it to the sink. He turned on the hot water and soaked the rag in it, careful not to burn himself. He wrung out the rag and quickly walked it over to Natasha, carefully draping it over her arms. She quickly pulled her arms away, obviously in pain. “Hold still.” Clint whispered.
“It hurts, Clint.” She muttered.
“I know. But we need to get this melted off. Look into my eyes and don’t take your eyes off mine. It’ll be okay.”
Natasha stared into Clint’s eyes. He stared back as he gently draped the cloth over her arms. She clenched her eyes shut as he put it on her, trying not to pull away. “No, don’t take your eyes off me.” Clint said to her. She reopened her eyes and stared at him. They stood there in silence, Clint trying to calm her down and help the ice melt on her arms. “It hurts, Clint.” She whispered.