"Are you ok, Drayke?" Day asked cautiously.
I sat up. "I'm fine, and um... can someone please tell me what the hell I just witnessed?" I asked.
"What are you talking about? You just passed out," Marcus explained.
"But, you guys were there and, I felt fangs..."
"Fangs?" SisiKay asked. "You felt fangs?"
"Uh, yea. It was scary because I couldn't move on my own," I told her. I noticed that I was trembling. Marcus and Daylight were holding me still.
"I'll be back," SisiKay said. She stood and walked out the door.
"Where is she going?" Marcus asked.
"I think to get sleep medicine. Drayke has to be asleep before 11:30," Day explained.
I stared at the door. I couldn't bring myself to believe what just happened. It seemed unreal and felt like a forever long dream. I hated this. But I didn't show it. I looked away from the door and went to sit on the couch.
"Do you feel alright?" Day asked. She looked so worried. I hated making her worry for me.
"I'm fine, Day. Don't worry about me." Marcus sat down next to me. I saw him give Day a look, then she got up and left the room.
I realized that he wanted to be alone. And for a while, nothing was said. He held me in his arms as I sat there.
"I have less than two hours to live life as a normal human," I said, emotionless.
"Don't think of it like that. You will always be human, but you'll just have another need. One that's un-human," He said calmly.
"That makes it better," I remarked.
"I'm sorry. Just always know that no matter what happens, I'll always, always, love you, Drayke. Don't ever forget that," he kissed my cheek.
"I'm love you too, Marcus," I turned to wrap him in my arms. He held me close, then I felt something wet on my back. A tear had just dripped off of his face. I hugged him even tighter. No more tears came.
The door opened just then. SisiKay walked in with a box of medicine in her hand.
"Here, drink this," She threw the box at me. I went to catch it and almost dropped it.
"That was a close one," I said. "Drink it all?" I looked up.
"Yea, that's the only way it'll work fast enough."
"Alright," I said. I chugged the little bottle down to the last drop. As soon as a did, I instantly felt dizzy. "Woah....."
"Help him to the bed guys. He needs to lay down and sleep," SisiKay ordered.
Day and Marcus helped me to the bedroom. I almost instantly fell asleep. But the thing was, that I wasn't fully asleep. Because I could still hear my friends talking.
"That was really fast," Day said. I heard footsteps. They must all be in here watching me sleep. Kind of creepy.
"Kind of was," SisiKay said.
"What's gonna happen now?" Day asked nervously.
"Well, it's a little after 11:30, so we might have to leave soon," SisiKay explained.
"Why?" Marcus asked.
"Because his process is different. He will start doing things and, I don't want you guys here when that starts."
"Oh," they both said. What things will I start doing? Am I going to start moving? Oh goodness. I'm scared now.
"Is he going to hurt us?" I heard Marcus ask. I could almost make out SisiKay saying something, but everything faded out after that. It went silent. I wondered what Marcus ment by that, but I didn't stress it.
A few moments passed without any noise. I wondered what was happening. I couldn't hear anything, nor could I move my body. It felt familiar...
Just then, I felt a drop on my cheek. Water? No... a tear. Soft wimpers came from just above me. Then a kiss was planted on my forehead. Marcus... I thought. I barely made out the words, "I-i can't!" Before everything stopped. He had finally left me...
Suddenly, I felt my chest burning slightly. It tingled for a second before it escalated to a fire inside of me. It felt like I was in a pile of hot coals.
IT HURTS! MAKE IT STOP! I screamed inside. I couldn't move or anything, and this pain wouldn't go away. SHIT, IT BURNS!
It felt like eternity before it finally went away. It slowly came to a stop and I felt pressure on my chest. One things for sure, I couldn't breathe. It felt like my chest had a bus on it.
I'm really dying, I thought. This is it.
I tried gasping for air one last time before I gave up. About ten seconds passed before my chest pain disappeared. I gasped for air and was suddenly able to see. My body sat up, but not under my control. I found that I still wasn't able to move my body the way I wanted to.
I've felt this before, I seeing everything that my eyes could see, but I still couldn't control anything.
The clock read 11:45 pm. Had it only been 15 minutes? It felt like it had been hours.
My body stood. My head turned and I saw Daylight, Marcus and SisiKay standing in front of the door. I thought they had left me...
They stared at me with wide eyes. Day was trembling with fear while looking at me. Marcus stood tall with tears streaming down his face. SisiKay stood in the middle. She stared at me with hate. I was so confused because I know that I had seen this before. Just... when or.... where did I see this?

VampireHe can't figure out what's been going on with his friends. They were acting like totally different people. Why have they been acting strange? What was up? When he figures out the truth, he thinks it's a joke. His friends worry about him and try to s...