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I start on the reading. It is extremely boring.

"Rainy," Cole whispers to me. He passes a paper to me I read it.

This is sooooooo boring. - hot stuff (Cole)

Don't pass notes! Ps that name is stupid. I'm still taking it. -hot stuff #2 (Sunny)

Well sorry I want to have  fun. Is this better? - Cooler than Sunny (Cole)

Shut up Coleslaw! - actually doing work (Sunny)

Hey Eliza, I'm bored. - I won't shut up (Cole)

Don't be rude to Sunny - the 10th doctor (Eliza)

Hi Ivy!- so bored! (Cole)

Go away. I'm with Kyle. - badgers are better than Cole (Ivy)

Hey Rainy -  firestorm (Cole)

I don't know what to answers so I just say:

Hi- Rainy

I pass the paper to Cole and keep working. He passes it back.

You need a cool nickname. How about Hurricane. - I'm nice and give people ideas (Cole)

I say:

Quit passing notes Coleslaw - I don't care about your stupid nicknames (Rainy)

I pass it back to him. He tries to pass it back to me but Mr. Edge says something. "Cole quit passing notes." He comes and takes it from him. "You get detention tomorrow."

Right as I finish my paper Mr. Edge says, "Detention is over. Hand in your papers."

We all hand in our papers to him. Once we leave the room Sunny starts yelling at Cole. "Don't pass notes in class! Do you know how bad that is? I feel sorry Mr. Edge had to put up with you!"

"Wow hot stuff #2, Why are you so violent?" He smirks.

She gives him a sarcastic smile, "Why are you so stupid?"

"It's 7:56 and 18 seconds We should all get ready for bed," Eliza says.

"Yeah I'm extremely tired," Sunny replies.

Cole claps in her face and she jumps. "Now you aren't,"

"I hate you Cole."

We all go to our dorms and go to bed.

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