Andrea Russett showed up at "our" door step with two teddy bears that were half her size. "Hi! You're Andrea Russett! You are amazing, you are so funny! I love your videos!" I told her. She handed me one of the teddy bears. "And you are, I am going to guess... Kian? No, I'm just kidding! You must be, Tygr?" Andrea joked. I giggled. I knew she was funny. "Yes, and this is," I pointed to Izzy who was standing to my left, "Izzy!" Izzy giggled, "Kian has told me a lot about you! Well, in the past few hours I've been here. Kian is awesome, you are so lucky. You are all really pretty!" Izzy said. "Oh, well! I'm flattered, and yes I am vvery lucky! But not as lucky as you, you get to have Kian as an AWESOME older brother, and you are gorgeous!" Andrea handed Izzy the other bear. Izzy blushed. Andrea walked in and greeted Kian. "What? No teddy bear for me?" Kian whined. "Nope, because I got you something else. She leaned in and kissed Kian. "Like your present?" She asked. Kian smiled from ear to ear, and said, "I loved it!" She turned to me, "So, Miss Tygr, how old are you and when are you going to be starting our awesome school?" I smiled before responding, "I am 17 and will be 18 next November, and I will be starting school Monday!" "And I am 14 and I will be starting yalls school on Monday." Izzy jumped in. "Oh, well I am sure that Orange High will be glad to have both of you!" Andrea said. I kinda got excited for school then. Izzy and I were still hugging our bears, so I nudged her and whispered, "Hey lets take these upstairs, and give them some privacy." She nodded back, and we left. When we got back downstairs, Kian was hooking up his flip camera. He pressed a button on the side, and motioned Andrea over to him. "Hi, guys! Sorry It's been so long since the last video. I got lazy, and Andrea hasn't been over in a while. Sorry the guys couldn't be in this one! But guess who is! My one and only, PERFECT GIRLFRIEND Andrea Russett!!!" Kian said. Andrea went and sat on Kian's lap, she pecked him on the lips, and looked at the camera. Hey people! Nice to be making another video! Hey, Kian... isn't there someone you'd like to introduce?" Andrea hinted. "Oh! Okay guys! I told you about how my mom was seriously thinking about adopting a daughter or two, like a couple years ago, and how I updated yall and said she was still thinking about it? Well, I'd like you to meet my sisters. My mom adopted them today!" Kian got off the couch and picked up the camera. As he turned it towards us, he said, " Izzy why don't you introduce yourself?" I looked at Izzy, and saw her cheeks get all rosey. "H-hi! I'm Izzy, Kian's youngest sister. I am 14, I do not have a youtube account, unlike my sister, Tygr! She so just wanted the camera off her! It worked, Kian turned the camera to me. "Hello. I am 17 and my name is Tygr, but some of you may know me as Tigger_Loves_Cupcakes2.0." I smiled and hoped Kian would take the camera off me. It took him a second to realize I was done talking, When he finally took it off me, I was so relieved, I let go a loud breath. "You okay?" Izzy said to me.
"Yes, I'm fine, just a little camera shy." I told her. "What about all your Vloggs?" She questioned, I could tell she was very confused. "I don't really know." I responded. I guess Kian was done, so I went up to my room, to update my Vlogg. Izzy kinda reminded me I needed to. RECORD. "Hi watchers! Sorry, I haven't been on in a while. Well, I guess it's really only been 2 days. Ha! Anyways! I was adopted, and so was a new girl I met at the Foster home. Her name is Izzy, and she is my new sister. She is 14, looks just like me, and she had the same thing happen to her as a baby as me. She was just dropped off on the porch. She actually has like auburn eyes, instead of greenish-blue, like mine. I like her! She is really nice. Anyways, I was adopted actually a day after I got back to the Foster home. But you'll never guess who by! I bet you won't even believe me. I was adopted by... KIAN LAWLEY'S MOM!!! Yep, that's right! Kian Lawley is now my brother, in the few hours I've been here, I've met him, OBVIOUSLY! But also I've met Andrea Russett! You don't believe me? Go to SuperKian13's most recent video, and WATCH IT!!! I dare you! I live in California now, my dream! Izzy and I will be starting school at Orange High on Monday. I am so excited. Andrea is so nice! She brought Izzy and I life sized teddy bears, they are so fluffy! I am, for once in my life. Happy! I don't know how long it'll last though!" I did the usual ending routine, and turned off the camera. UPLOAD! Man! I'm hungry. I think I will go find something to eat!

Apocalyptic Sunday (**Sam Pottorff FAN FICTION***)
FanfictionTygr's life is well known, but only by her youtube subscribers. She's bounced from foster home to foster home ever since she was left on someone's porch as a baby. Her life will immediately change when she is adopted by someone familiar. But, wil...