I had finally hung up with Michael, feeling a million times better. I could breathe again, and I was so relieved that I had been able to recover from my breakdown so easily.
Usually it took me awhile to say the least.
The only bad part was now I had to go back out with Dan and Phil, and they were probably gonna be wondering where I was, and ask a ton of questions.
Just the thought of that made me feel uneasy, and I hate to admit it, but I'm a total coward.
I was seriously debating sneaking out and going home. But I was in New York City, at night. I've read enough fanfics to know where that would lead me.
I hate taking taxis, but I think this was my only option. Well I mean I could also go back out there, but I'm scared I would freak out again.
I feel like a drama queen, and I'm probably overreacting, but I couldn't face them. It's not like either of them will probably notice anyways.
I've been in here for about half an hour and neither of them have made an attempt, so my decision is final.
My next step was getting out of here without them noticing me. I'm not what you would call stealthy, but I'm like 5 feet tall so I could use that to my advantage for once.
I slowly stepped out of the bathroom, they were right next to the entrance and the boys weren't seated anywhere near here so I should be alright, but I couldn't be too safe.
I saw that the coast was clear, so I ran for it.
I just snuck out of a "date" without my boyfriend even noticing, I should be a spy or something.
Although, it's not like he was paying attention to me anyways. He probably won't even notice, but I'll text him anyways so he doesn't worry.
I had to think of an excuse, I would say I didn't feel well or something, but after being in the bathroom for half an hour, they would assume the worst and that would be embarrassing.
I decided to go on the sympathy route, and tell him something happened with Ashton and I had to leave.
Man, I'm such a sneaky bitch sometimes.
I typed out a quick text, and sent it before trying to call a taxi. I know I probably overthink things, like everything, but I always feel so awkward when trying to catch the attention of the driver.
I mean I want to just wave my arm, but I feel like a maniac bird or some shit. But I don't know what else to do so I just awkwardly flail for a few minutes, until a bright yellow taxi pulls up along the bustling street.
Relieved to be away from all the people, I hopped into the dingy car. I seriously hate taxis.
I at least have some common sense, so when he asked where I was going, I told him an address a few streets away from mine so he wouldn't know where I lived.
You can never trust people these days, and I'm not taking any chances.
Well, except for talking to Michael a ton, aka someone I don't even know.
Now that I'm thinking about Michael, I'm really glad I met him. We haven't known each other long, but I'm excited to get to know him better.
He was so sweet earlier, and he seemed to know just what to say. He instantly made me feel at ease, and even managed to make me laugh. And anyone who has anxiety attacks would know that it can be hard to come out of them.
Thinking about Michael made me want to talk to him again, and now I had his phone number, so I decided to send him a text.
"Just snuck out of my "date" am I great or what?"
I waited for his response, which came after only a few seconds.
"Wow, congrats, you're technically a spy now."
I smiled.
"That's exactly what I thought!!"
"That's great and all, but all jokes aside, Evie. You're okay right? You're in New York City late at night. Be careful alright? You're vulnerable right now."
Okay woah. First off, that's kinda sweet. Secondly, how the hell did he know it's night? We're in different time zones. And thirdly, he's actually worried about me and I'm not sure how to feel about that.
"I'm fine, Michael. I'm in a taxi on my way home right now."
I felt the car come to a stop, and I looked up to see that my ride was over.
I exited the car, handing the driver the money as I began to walk away.
The air was cool, but not cold. It was a comfortable temperature, and it refreshed my jumbled mind.
Before I knew it, a few tears were dripping down my cheeks. Yes, Dan and I weren't very serious, at all really. But the sting of rejection hurt, and I felt embarrassed.
I'm sure I was a burden tonight, he's probably glad I left. I'm not sure how much longer I could deal with stuff like this happening. This wasn't the first time Dan has shown little interest in me. I was fine with it for awhile, but I want more, you know?
I tried to rid my mind of tonight's horrible events. I ended up thinking about a million things, until I finally reached my home. I had never been so happy to see it in my life.
I pushed the door open, tears still streaming freely down my cheeks. I was about to sprint up the stairs so I could just go to sleep in the comfort of my wonderful bed, when I heard someone yell my name.
"Evie!" Ashton yelled, rushing towards me.
He immediately pulled me to him, examining my body for any visible injuries.
"What happened? Who hurt you? Was it Dan? Someone else? Did anyone say something to you?" He yelled, his hazel eyes glazed over with worry.
I went to speak, but stopped when I saw Luke and Calum enter the room.
They both joined us, beginning to question me as well."I don't wanna talk about it," I mumbled, fixing my gaze on the floor.
"No, you're telling me. If anyone hurt you I swear to god." Ashton growled, suddenly angry.
Luke nodded in agreement.
"It's just, Dan and I were supposed to have a date, and he brought a friend along, and I don't know, they just completely ignored me the whole time,"
"What a dick," Calum uttered, looking disgusted.
"And you know how I am, I started to get really anxious and stuff and things went downhill and I ended up sneaking out." I explained, twisting my fingers awkwardly.
"You snuck out!?" Luke exclaimed, looking shocked.
I giggled a little. "Yeah, I did. I'm surprised myself,"
They all smiled a little, before bringing me in for a group hug.
Once we all pulled away, Luke grabbed my arm, rubbing it lightly. "You deserve better, you know," he said, looking thoughtful.
I was at a loss for words, did I really deserve better? I'm not so sure. Maybe a boyfriend like Dan was all I would ever get. I wasn't so perfect myself, far from it, actually.
"Thanks," I muttered, leaning into him for comfort. He gave me another hug before placing a kiss to the top of my head.
"Hey, hands off of my sister," Ashton warned playfully. Even he knew Luke had absolutely no intentions like that.
We all laughed, and they lead me to the living room.
"You aren't just going to go sulk in your room," Calum told me in a rather demanding tone. "You're gonna hang out with us for a bit,"
Once we were all cuddled up on the couch, in a large pig pile, with me on top, they began to tell me about their gig.
"It was awful," Calum said with a groan. "We really need a guitarist, Luke sucks at singing and strumming at the same time,"
Luke sent him a glare. "It's way harder than it looks," he huffed.
"Don't deny it Luke. Even you know we need a guitarist," Ashton said.
"I know, but I have no idea who we could ask. We can't just ask anyone either, we have to like them." Luke replied.
"Yeah, we can't have some random guy ripping the band apart," Calum agreed.
Before they could finish their conversation, Ashton had already started to tickle my side, leading to an all out tickle fight. Eventually we were all on the ground, since our comfy pig pile toppled over. I was out of breathe, and smiling bigger than I had in awhile.
Sorry that this is short, and I know I keep saying it, but the story will get more interesting soon! Trust me, I have a pretty elaborate plan for this book, so be prepared. Anyways, if you're reading this, bless ur soul.