Reader x Connor || Senpai and Yandere

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*Your POV*

This is it. My first day in sixth grade. When I was in fifth I was 1st Honor. And my dad always tells me not to give up and do all the best I can. All. The. Best. I. Can. See? Do my best. Well at least I did my best if I'm not Valedictorian.

I entered the classroom with my backpack hanged on my back. "(Y/N)! Oh my gods (Y/N) how are you!" Piper squealed on her own seat. I made a pokerface and ignored her, but in the corner of my eye I was looking at Percy, my crush since last year.

I suspected that he also likes me, but I'm not sure cause I don't think he still likes me. I wonder what he's thinking of right now.

I sat on the front, on the right corner, placed my backpack on the floor and did nothing. It kind of took two months or three before I got over Percy. And then I actually did.

Yes he has that sense of humor and whenever I accidentally look at him he laughs and then I laugh too. But there was a reason why I got over him.

He was the 'heart throb' of the classroom and most of the girls are almost fangirling over him.


Hazel kind of agreed on what I told her. We were waiting for our service to come. "Yeah, I agree with you, (Y/N). Percy is just a common and attractive guy that mostly girls like," she agreed. I sighed and said, "I know, Hazel. And I'm probably mad at him."

Hazel's eyes widened. "What? Why? Why are you mad at such a very innocent, playful, and handsome guy?"

"Here's my point, you know that I'm closed friends with Piper, right?"

She nodded in response. Her ears were determined to listen to what I was saying.

"Whenever she waits for me because I was the library keeper in our classroom there's also Percy. I asked Piper why was he there. And then she said, 'Kelp Head is just waiting for me.' I was confused. And then Percy always catch up with her when going to the sink to take a brush on their teeth."

"So if that's the case are you--"

"And then Percy was my group mate in our Science subject--I was telling him his job too for the songwriting but he kept going to the other group to talk to Piper. And then when the Junior Highschool students were doing an awarding ceremony and we all of us were the audience at the park infront of the school I was looking for Piper but then Annabeth told me that she was with Percy. I saw Annabeth's face, she was quite jealous. I knew she likes Percy but she wasn't head over heels like me. We both stood in the corner, eyeing Piper and Percy, our arms crossed."

"So you're jea--"

"And then I was waiting for Leo cause he was the President of the class and I was Vice President and we had a little business to take care of. While I was waiting Percy and Piper walked pass me not saying "Hola amiga" or "Hi (Y/N)!". I mean, what the hell is going on why do they always--"

"(Y/N)." Hazel said loudly. I startled and looked at her confusingly. "Will you please let me finish my sentence before you continue your dictative novel?"

"Oh, okay." I sat backward, leaning my back against the wall.

Hazel breathed deeply. "So, if that's the case, are you jealous?"

"I...I don't know Hazel. I don't know. Maybe?"

"Look (Y/N). I also noticed. I confronted Piper about it. So I found about the truth. They're fifth or sixth cousins and they're best of friends. So don't be jealous. Piper doesn't like Percy."

"And I don't like Percy either," I added. Hazel crossed her arms. "So who do you like?" She asked.

"This is embarassing," I covered my face with my hands. Hazel put away my hands from my face and then widened her golden eyes. I caught Connor going out of the classroom and putting his backpack on the bench. He then sat.

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