Chapter 2 - Happiness turns into Heartbreak and Misery

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On July, 6th 2006 at 11:54pm my baby boy was born weighing 2 pounds, he was so tiny but it was to be expected seeing how early he came, the doctors had said it was a miracle he was still alive but he wasn't through the worst of it yet, he was in intensive care attached to all different wires which are basically keeping him alive, it was breaking my heart looking at how vulnerable he looked, Mom and Leah had been with me as I gave birth, all of us with tears in our eyes as none of us knew if he was going to come out alive. Sam had drove us to the hospital before going collecting my dad and Seth driving them back up here, now everyone was here, me, mom, dad, Leah and Seth and the newest Clearwater, but there were two people I wanted here more than anything even if they did hate me. As night came Mom took Seth home whilst Leah and my Dad stayed by my side, I couldn't leave my baby who knew how much time we had with him so we had to cherish every moment his heart was beating. Dad left the next morning to go hunting with Chief swan and a few more of Dad's friends, Bella had spotted some huge wolves in the forest earlier the previous day, I don't know what she was doing in the woods, alone too especially with all the disappearances going on, it was as if she had a death wish.

The hospital discharged me by 11am, I had to go home before I could back for visiting hours later that evening, the drive home was filled with a silence, neither me or mom knew what to say, both Leah and Seth were at school which I was glad for as when we got home it was peaceful so I could shower and sleep in peace, for the first time in months I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Looking outside as I woke I realized the sky had gone dark, retrieving my phone from under the pillow I checked the time, it was 7:20pm, visiting hours were almost over, why hadn't anyone come to wake me. I rushed downstairs hoping to make it in time before visiting ended but as I neared the bottom of the stairs I heard voices, the one voice was so distinct, "Jacob's back at Bella's she's safe" it was Sam Uley's I wonder why he was here and why he was talking about Jacob and Bella. As I walked into the sitting room I saw the tear stained face of my mom, did something happen to my baby? "Mom, what's happened?" I question scared of her response, "sit down with your brother and sister, I need to tell you something" she sobbed, I sat down quickly wanting to know what was wrong, Charlie had his arm around mom and Billy was holding mom's hand they had all been crying, where was my dad. "your father had a heart attack, he didn't make it" was all she could manage before she broke down, I burst out crying running to my mom, out the corner of my eye I saw both Leah and Seth being dragged out the room as they shook insanely fast. I had always been a daddy's girl, Leah and Seth were always closer to my Mom, I couldn't take it no more and ran upstairs to my room, nothing was going right I needed my daddy so much right now but he had been taken from me, I didn't know what to do, I heard someone enter my room before they picked me up cradling me into their chest, opening my eyes I noticed this person was extremely buff and topless, inhaling I recognized the scent immediately it was Paul, he smelled of spearmint and pine, right now I didn't care that he had left me I needed my best friend. He carried me downstairs back into the sitting room, "She's gone to Italy to save the bloodsucker" was all I heard as Paul carried me in, Jake finished what he was saying the moment Paul walked in. Jake's eyes met mine they were full of hurt, but there was an apologetic look in them, I don't know if it was about my dad or because he left me without any explanation. Chief swan had gone back home after he had made sure me and mom had people with us tonight, I let the darkness take over me as Paul cradled me into his warm chest. All I felt was the numbness in my heart.

The next morning, I awoke early so I made my way down stairs, Mom was staring into space so I went over and hugged her, she had lost her husband and I had lost my daddy, we needed each other so much, Seth and Leah were nowhere to be seen, their beds hadn't been touched and they weren't around the house. I was still hugging my Mom as I said "I'm going to go the hospital soon, visiting starts in an hour, do you want to come?" As I pulled away mom replied saying "yes please darling, we need that little boy more than ever right now" I could tell she would be a proud grandmother, I just needed him to pull through I don't know if I would be able to cope losing him as well as my Dad, I was thankful dad got to meet his grandson but heartbroken that he wouldn't be able to watch him grow and teach him everything a boy should know. I guess Seth will be his male role model now.

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