The Spawns | Chapter I -- The Correct Term Is Hangover

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Chapter I—Jayden

The Correct Term is Hangover

© DarknessAndLight

I pressed my head against the cool glass of the window, watching the trees pass in a blur. I couldn’t even tell the kind. And I was getting a bit woozy.

           We were definitely speeding.

           I should have been the one driving; this was my car after all. Only reason why I had agreed was because I hadn’t slept all night. Stupid ‘goodbye party’ which consistently just meant a reason to get drunk on my money, and then dragging my drunk ass back to the dorms and then pack my things because I had delayed it as much as I could, while concentrating very hard on not throwing up. Lovely evening, let’s do this again.

           “Jaaaaydeeeeen, JAY-JAY-DEEEEN,” a piercing voice beside me had me jump in surprise.

           I groaned rubbing my eyes, moving away from the window. “Dammit, honestly how to you do that high pitch voice?”

           “It’s a family thing!” Cole shrugged and threw something on me, bumping on my shoulder and falling on my lap. “Your stinking phone is ringing, pick up already!”

            I groaned again, and then looked at the caller ID. Maika. I suddenly felt a little less crappy.

            “Hi Mai”

            “You’re drunk, you’re soooo drunk my friend I can smell the alcohol in your breath,” the melodic voice of my friend greeted me.

            I laughed soundlessly, rubbing my eyes again. “The correct term is hangover.”

            “If I weren’t such a good friend,”

           “The best,” I interrupted, smiling, hand at my temple now.

           “Yes, if I wasn’t the best friend out there I would be shouting in your ear right now, shouting Jayden Eaton!”

           I chuckled. “You’re kind of borderline shouting there, Maika.”

           She laughed. “Whiner, you’re such a whiner!”

           “Is that why you called, to tell me I’m drunk and call me a whiner?”

           Cole leaned his head towards me to shout in the receptor so Maika could hear, “You go Tiger! You tell him!”

           I pressed my palm in Cole’s face pushing him away from me.

           “Grab Cole’s ass for me, will you,” Maika was laughing on the other side of the line.

           I groaned again and rolled my eyes. “Do that yourself, when we get home.”

           “And that’s why I was calling,” I could see the smile she would be making right now in my head, her playful one, her nose wrinkling just a little bit. “How far away are you guys?”

           “About twenty minutes tops,” I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face and then stretched a bit, trying to wake up more, “well actually with the way Cole’s speeding we’ll probably get here in five minutes.”

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