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I ran into the apartment with my keys and cell phone in hand.

Michael was sitting on the couch watching Pokemon while Ashton sat in the kitchen eating a sandwich.

"Where's Calum?" I asked in a rush.

"His bedroom." Michael sad almost hypnotised by his show.

"Thanks." I said before running down the hall and barging into his bedroom.

"What the fuck?" Calum snapped.

"Calum, what was that girl's name you were telling us about yesterday?!" I said hurriedly.

"Why? What happened?" He asked.

"Just tell me, what's her name?"

"Hadley." He said before looking back down at a letter in his hands.

"Calum, does this Hadley have dark brown hair and extremely bright and beautiful hazel eyes?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I think I just saw her."

"Where?" He said frantically and quickly removed himself from his bed.

"At this restaurant a few streets down. I've seen her from somewhere Calum, I swear she looked so familiar."

"What do you mean?"

"Like I've seen her before, I just don't know where."

"Well, she's from the same country and city as us, Luke, there's a major possibility you saw her a couple times back home and just don't remember."

"Wait. Hold up. She got here by plane obviously so that means that- The airport!"


"The airport! She was the girl with the curly hair!"

"Hadley was at the airport the day we were there. She gave me some letters and left before she could even give me time to say something."



"I have her friend's number."

"What? How?"

"When I was leaving the restaurant she slipped me her number and I took it."


"Calum, I can text her friend and maybe get them to meet up with us."

"No, Luke, she doesn't want to see me obviously."

"Stop being so hard on yourself, Calum, don't beat yourself up about it."

"Luke, she doesn't want me, I just have to accept the fact that she doesn't want me in her life."

"She's running away from problems she shouldn't be running from, Calum."

"It's none of your business Luke."

"I'm just trying to help you."

"No your not. I'm not gonna force her into loving me.

"But she does love you Calum, the letters, you need to read them all."

"I have."

"Well read them again because your missing something." I said before walking out of his room and closing his door.

I pulled the piece of paper with Hadley's friend's name and number on it.


It was pretty.

A unisex name.

But pretty.

I added her as a contact into my phone and marked her as one of my favourites so I wouldn't forget to text her later.

I didn't understand much about Hadley.

But Calum would get through to her eventually.

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