Chapter III

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*Tammy's POV*
The room was quiet, Nala and I sat staring at the floor. I needed to know if she had grown a tail as well as I, but how could I get the message across without sounding crazy? I wanted to be flat out with her, even if she didn't have a tail, I wanted her to know, she's my best friend.

I stared into her hazel eyes as she watched the carpet, "I'm a mermaid," I whisper.
She looked relieved, "You too, ha?"
"The big, slimy fish tail was a bit of a giveaway."
"I'm glad I'm not in this alone," she didn't make eye contact.
"Me too," I smile, but the room fell silent, once more.
I try to boost the conversation again, "I touched water and suddenly I was on the floor, with a tail," I explain. "Was that the same for you?"
"I wouldn't say I touched it, it was more of a spill."
"Perhaps, we should experiment?"

I locked Nala's bathroom door and filled a glass of water. She sighed and dipped her hand into the glass, it wasn't long before her legs vanished. She fell backwards, her tails slapping the ground loudly. It was unbelievable, just like mine.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare," Nala says, grabbing the glass and splashing water all over my legs.
"Thanks," I mutter as I join her on the ground.

*Cleo's POV*
"So," I paused. "You think that two girls transformed last night."
"I saw them, they had to of gotten tails," Bella retorts.
"We'll have to search the whole Gold Coast for these guys." Rikki explains.
"Do you know how hard it is to find a mermaid? Why don't we just leave them alone?" I say.
"Because, Cleo, this is our secret too," Rikki says. "We're in this together, all of us, whether they like it or not."
"Rikki's right," Bella says, a smile crept across Rikki's face. "This is our secret too."
"Well, where do we start?" I sigh.

Together, the three of us went for a swim. It wasn't the same without Emma, but Bella insisted that she was too busy, working. Speeding through the water, we searched for the new mermaids, who obviously didn't want to be found.

*Nala's POV*
Not many people know about mermaids, which is probably for the better. But one thing everyone knows about mermaids is that they can breathe underwater. I knew the lower half of my body turned into a fishtail 10 seconds after I touched water, if I were able to breathe the water, would swimming be so hard?

One way to find out.

I near the edge of rocky ledge and look down into the waves. Tammy used to use this rock as a place to practice diving for the swim team, so I knew it was safe and there weren't too many rocks below. It wasn't very high and there weren't too many people this side of the beach, a perfect place.

Without another thought, I throw myself into the water and crash into the rumbling waves. The water's warm and soothing but I clench my eyes shut; mermaid or not, salt water stings. I couldn't tell how deep I was but I was starting to regret things.

My legs start to tingle and I feel my tail form. What if I'm more human than mermaid and can't breathe underwater? I'd be stuck trying to swim at the surface and still not get spotted by anyone. Or what if I drown and someone discovers my dead mermaid body?

I open my eyes slightly and surprisingly, everything is clear and the salt doesn't sting. I wasn't sure if I was breathing or just holding my breath, but I felt fine. I could move freely, see clearly and breathe fine, this mermaid thing wasn't so bad after all.

Using my experience from The Little Mermaid and Aquamarine, I attempt to do the famous mermaid swim, more successfully then I'd planned and take off out to sea, what's the harm in having a little swim?

*Bella's POV*
I showed Cleo and Rikki where the wet footprints had been, earlier that morning. Fresh footprints led towards the cave entrance, I figure it couldn't hurt to find more clues so we helped each other up the tunnel.

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