Chapter 38- ~note

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Nina's POV

After that oh so awkward dinner we all decide to go out and watch a movie. I head upstairs and change into my outfit that consists of a mid thigh blue dress with a white lace cardigan and a brown thick belt and some brown ankle boots. i let my hair down and I add my usual makeup on and I head downstairs to see Amber wearing this beautiful high waisted white skirt with a pink crop top and silver sandals. "Where's everyone else" I question. "HERE!" I hear coming from upstairs. I look at the staircase and see Patricia wearing a black oversized sweater with leggings and black ankle boots, kinda like mine. "I meant the guys." I said. "Oh, I don't know." Patricia says. I sigh. "Girls take WAY longer to get ready!" Amber says clearly mimicking the guys. Patricia and I laugh. "Hey! That's not funny!" I hear Eddie say as he comes down and kisses Patricia and puts his hand on her growing bump/. I smile at how cute they are. 'AMBS! HAVE YOU SEEN MY PHONE?!" A clearly concerned Alfie yells. "RIGHT HERE!" Amber yells back. Alfie comes running down the stairs and fetches his phone. "Baby I thought I lost you!" Alfie says and hugs the phone closely. We all laugh. "Hey." Someone whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. "hey to you too" I say and give him a peck. "Ok, we ready?!" Asks Eddie, we all nod. We all pile up into the car and head to the theater.






We get to the theater and watch Krampus. I hate to say, that movie was scary! With all the scares! Then again i'm easily scared... Through the whole movie I was snuggled up next to Fabian and covering my eyes every time something creepy/scared happened. I looked to see Amber and Alfie snuggles up together and Patricia and Eddie acting like this movie is no big deal. I smile at them. I do that a lot nowadays. Smile at random things, or at Patricia and Eddie, I don't know why though! I guess it's cause they're not like any other couple. At time, I don't even know if they're together or not. I look back at the movie in the worst time possible!





When the movie ended I got out of there like there was no tomorrow! Amber and Alfie did the same, and Patricia,Eddie, and Fabian all walk out casually. "Y'all are babies! It wasn't even that scary!" Eddie says. "Well atleast we were potty trained at 5!" Says Amber making Eddie blush and us giggle. "Alright can we just leave now! I'm starving!" Patricia says annoyed. We all get into my car and head out on another adventure!





We get to an ice cream parlor and we all order. I get a birthday cake ice cream while Fabian gets blueberry ice cream. Patricia got a chocolate ice cream and Eddie got a plain vanilla, Alfie got red velvet cake ice cream and Amber got bubblegum. We all sat separately from each other. Fabian and I in 1 table, Patricia and Eddie at 1 table and Amber and Alfie at another. "How are you?" I ask Fabian, looking at his bruises and cuts. "better than before." He says taking a spoonful of his ice cream. "How about you?" He asks mouth full of ice cream making me giggle. "I'm fine, Ana Jade is clearly excited about this ice cream!" I say laughing. He laughs too. Fabian and I make small talk and continue on eating our ice cream. When we finished we all threw away our cups and cones and head to the car.





When we got home we all headed to the bedrooms. I changed into a baseball tee shirt with plaid shorts and I take off my makeup and shoes and go downstairs to get me some tea. I sip my tea and scroll through my social media when I hear a tap on my window making me drop my mug and breaking it, with tea everywhere. I groan and clean it up. "NINA! ARE YOU OK?!" Yells a conserded Fabian, "I"M FINE!" I yell back. "OK!" He yells back. When I finished cleaning I look at the window and walk outside out of curiosity. I get to the other side of the window and see something white. I pick it up and find out it's paper folded up, like a note. I unfold it and inside was something that scared me to death. Think you'd see the last of me?! Well you thought wrong! See you in 5 months. ~note.



HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! long time no read huh! Well I finally got time to upload! Well kinda. I was multitasking. ANYWAYS!! So what I want to do is keep writing! Yea! Keeping writing! You read right! I'm going to continue writing until like, idk. I still haven't figured that out yet. I want to have Nina and Patricia go through labor and then do like a 5 years later or 10 years later or something like that like 4 chapters later. So yea! I love you all so much my Romans!

Song of the week: Cry Baby by Melanie Martinez

QOTD: Did you miss me??

AOTD: You answer! :)



Love me forever, or never? (DISCONTINUED) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat