A/N~Humor #562 and Teen Fiction #912. That's gotta mean something right? Haha anyway, I'm really happy right now that people are actually reading this story, you have no idea how much it means! And I know it's been a while since I've last updated, and I'm really sorry about that. I guess I finally decided to kick procrastinaton and writers block in the face and just write the dang chapter! So here you go! (Vomment=vote and comment:))
Also, I dedicated the chapter to ____You____ because she's commented and voted on basically everything I've put in here, thanks! I've been meaning to dedicate something to you for a while, so here you go!:)
WARNING: only semi-edited
Homecoming Might
Chapter Three
-Princess Bride:)
So there I was. Miss Sass's room. Funny, how I figured out a way to end up here, of all places. I guess when you think about it, I mean really think about it, it does kind if make sense. That teacher has had it out for me since the day I set foot in this building! Feelings like that tend to result in a fair few detentions. But now? Seriously?
"Mr. Lee!" She barked. Oliver froze in his seat. The poor kid has always been a bit...um...'hesitant' around Miss Sass.
"Y...Yes Miss Sass?" He asked in the most polite voice possible. The teacher sneered into her grading book before replying.
"Fetch me a coffee, would ya?" Her face was still buried in the grading book, but her hands were flinging wildly around, grabbing at random pens and sending stray papers flying to the ground.
"From the teacher's lounge?" He asked excitedly. Oh come on, haven't you ever wanted to set a foot in the teacher's lounge? Even if it was probably nothing much more then a microwave and some used furniture, there was something secretive about it. Something special.
"Yes, the teacher's lounge. Where did you think I was going to send you, Mr. Greene's?" She burst out in a series of hearty laughs.
"Just don't poison the thing, here me boy?" Oliver nodded and rushed out of the classroom, leaving me alone with the devil-woman.
~Two Hours Earlier~
I was exhausted. Absolutely, positively, exhausted. The night lasted forever, complete with sweaty football players and their skinny cheer leading girlfriends. Not to mention the fact that we lost the freaking game! I yawned loudly and cracked open my locker. Not that I particularly cared all that much, football was never really my thing.
"God, I hate French class!" Tory hissed beside me. I smirked into my locker.
"Then why did you take it?" Once I found my favorite red binder, I shoved a fresh package of red paper into it's core.
"You know perfectly well why I'm forced to take a motherfreaking useless language! My mother, that's who!" She shrieked, brown eyes narrowed into a frown.
"OK, alright! Just saying, German is a whole lot more fun - "
"Please don't mock me Lotus."
"OK, OK." The two of us slammed our lockers shut.
"So anything interesting happen?" I asked in attempt to change the subject. Tory shrugged.
"Just the usual. The seniors are awfully excited about the dance though." We both shuttered. Seniors take homecoming very seriously at our school. Very seriously. If your not wearing a 'Senior Pride' T-shirt, expect to be shoved into a locker. And yes, that includes lowly underclassmen such as myself.
"Ms. Yosei yelled at a few after lunch though," she continued.
"Really? What did she say?" I asked curiously. Very rarely did Ms. Yosei raise her voice. Tory shrugged.
"Something in Japanese. I don't know what it was though, I'm taking French remember?" She reminded me. I grinned.
"Good point. Come on, we better get to geometry before Mr. Filibuster throws a fit!" We both tried to hide our smiles. It was kind of ironic, that his last name was 'Filibuster'...and he was a math teacher...with a knack for lectures...
We finished gathering our things quickly, before finally heading down to the math rooms. It takes a while to get oneself from one place to another in this school, one day spent here will teach you that. In this school though, the math rooms were located by the tech Ed department. Personally? I think that's bad planning on their part. Every five minutes or so, we'd be interrupted with bangs, smashes, and strange roaring sounds from the welders. Not that it really made much if a difference to us, it's not like we were paying attention anyway.
Tory was right about one thing though, the seniors were rowdy this year! Their tie-died shirts and orange (school color) hair drenched the school in large, intimidating masses. When we finally made it to the safety of the math room (gosh I never thought I'd say that!), I sited myself to my usual seat, by the window.
"Alright class, settle down...settle down..." Mr. (smirk) Filibuster glared at the students as he walked in. Honestly, sometimes I seriously wonder why some teachers chose to be teachers in the first place, if they have to deal with annoying high-school students all day. They clearly hate their job, so why did they take it? Must have something to do with what Ms. Yosei said; June, July, August.
Mr. Filibuster shut the door behind him and stepped out towards the front of the room. I watched curiously, as he pulled a box-elder* bug from his sleeve and shuttered slightly.
"Alright class. Please turn your textbooks to page four-hundred-sixty-two! Wait - Miss Quigley, what are you doing? I told you to turn to page four-hundred-sixty-two, not your nail polish! Thank you! OK now, today we're going to explore the vast subject of trigonometry..." He lost me on 'explore.'
Instead, I chose to focus my attention on other things. Not necessarily more important things, but...other things. I turned my head over and watched the football players outside cleaning up after last night's game. I frowned. Why did they get to skip class? The cheerleaders were out there too, with Aubrey and Audrey on water duty. I pulled my gaze away from the cheerleaders and noticed Xavier out there too, chucking the ball back and forth with one of the players....show off...
I turned my gawking eyes back towards Mr. Filibuster, who was now lecturing a kid about the importance of homework. God, I had to get out of this place.
"Can I go to the bathroom?" I blurted. The class peeking up in surprise. What did I do?
"I - I'm sorry, come again?" Mr. Filibuster stuttered. I blinked a few times. What, was it disrespectful to ask a person if he/she could go to the bathroom? Was it mad-mannered or something? I could feel an air of irritation building up around the bald-headed teacher. I swallowed nervously and caught Tory's eye. They were wild and round, her eyes. And she shook her head quickly. 'Think fast!' She mouthed. Think fast...think fast...got it! All those study halls spent with the improv group wasn't a complete waste after all.