2. How Did He Do That !?!?!

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Paris's P.O.V

I went downstairs and Prodigy still wasn't down here. I have a feeling he's leaving me down here with them on purpose. I walked in the kitchen and saw Ray. He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes

Ray: Why did you walk away from me beautiful?

I didn't answer him I just sat on the couch and played with my phone. He stared at me for a moment, got up and walked over to me sitting down right next to me.

Ray: So you can't talk?

Paris: I don't talk to people like you

Ray: people like me?

Paris: Yes......

Ray: What do you mean by that?

I didn't look him directly in his face but I could feel his eyes looking me up and down with that stupid smirk of his.

Paris: Look I don't want you so leave me alone.

Ray: Yeah but I want you.....

Paris: Has it come to your twisted little head that I'm your best friends sister.

Ray: I'm sure he won't mind

Paris: Whatever

Ray: I know you like me.... You don't have to hide it. You like when I smile....

He turned my face torwards him and smiled while looking at my lips.

Ray: you like when I touch you...

He caressed my cheek and started rubbing my leg. Until I snapped out of his trance and pushed him away. He laughed and shook his head

Ray: I won't give up I know you want me.

Paris: PRODIGY!!!!!

He came downstairs and looked at me sitting by Ray. He shook his head and laughed

Prodigy: You ready?

Paris: Yeah

Prodigy: You drive and go get Alex

He threw me the keys and I caught them...

Princeton: Alex?

Paris: Oh she's my best friend she's coming with us

We left the house and got in the car. I drove to her house and texted her. She came out wearing shorts a Nirvana half shirt and black doc martens. I noticed she straightened her long light brown hair. She smiled and walked torwards the car. All the boys even prodigy said stared.

Prodigy,Ray,Roc,and Prince: Damn.....

She got in the front seat and put on her seatbelt. She looked back and saw the boys and quickly turned around.


Roc: oh so that's how you feel

Paris: She's kidding guys.

I shot Alex a WTF look and she laughed.

Paris: anyway thats Roc, Ray, and Princeton. Guys this is Alex

Alex: Hi

Prince,Roc&Ray: Hey

We drove off and went to the mall I parked and Alex pulled me to the side so they couldn't hear our conversation.

Alex: Holy Shit the one with the Afro ......Princeton? is sexy.

Paris: look calm down I wouldn't waste my time they're players. He's just gonna play you so you might as well.......go out with my brother.

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