..::Chapter 26::..

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Another week from hell was over. I didn't like thinking too far into the future but my mind was constantly reminding me of the fact that the summer would eventually end and I wasn't so sure where the state of Niall and I's relationship was going to be. With that inevitable deadline in mind, losing almost two weeks due to scheduling conflicts was a real pain in the åss.

The week wasn't filled with late night cheeky visits like last week, too busy. Our only real communication was through texting, phone conversations and the odd humorous Snapchat.

Spoiler Alert: Niall Horan has a personal Snapchat account.

I'm laughing because I wrote this like a month before he actually got snapchat...... I can apparently tell the future

Even Sophia was busy. There were a lot of appearances in which she was needed by Liam's side to walk down some sort of red carpet. Niall continuously reminded me that I'd be on his arm too if not for us being a secret and all. I understood, of course. I had to.

I never ended up asking Niall about the questions he had asked me and his weirdness when he returned on Saturday night. Even though we spent the Sunday together, with Willie, I never thought to bring it up. The day was full of laughter and cute cuddly moments. It all seemed too precious to ruin with inquiries about the previous night.

It was now Friday night and Sophia had invited me over. I wasn't sure what the night entailed but I didn't care. I missed her so much and felt like I hadn't spent nearly enough time with her. It kind of worked out though, like I had gotten sort of lucky. Lucky because most of my free time was spent with Niall but Sophia was busy anyway so it wasn't like I was continuously ditching her or anything. She still had no idea.

I ended up cabbing it over to her house because truthfully, I was way out of the way for her and she always offered to pick me up. So this time, I figured I'd pitch in instead.

Sophia's front yard was so cute. It was a classic upper class English townhouse. The short brink fence held an adorable iron gate, while the yard was decorated in pastel coloured flowers and bushes. Just to the right was a bench that sat in front of the bay window. Little cobble stones in a random pattern paved the way to the burgundy front door, and the bench, starting from the gate.

With a smile on my face from the scenery, I knocked on the door. Normally, I would just walk right in but Soph still lived at home so I didn't want to seem like I was disrespecting her parents or whatever.

The door swung open and I was greeted with Sophia in a bikini.

Damn... she looked great.

"Hey babes." She smiled.

I lunged forward to hug my English best friend.

"I'd turn lesbian for you. You look incredible in that."

Soph laughed at me and said, "I figured we could hangout in the hot tub whilst drinking a very generous amount of wine."

"Oh my god, that sounds like heaven." My grin somehow grew. "But I didn't bring a suit."

"No worries." She waved me off, "I have plenty."

I laughed, like really loudly.

Let me remind you, Sophia is a stick. A hot stick, but still incredibly thin. Me, haha, I am no stick. I'm more like a marshmallow. So, no way in hell am I fitting/pulling off anything Sophia has to offer.

"It's hysterical that you think I'll fit into anything you own." I wiped the tears from under my eyes. "I'd feel more comfortable with something from maybe your mother's closet."

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