Frisk X Reader (it's a they jesus chill))

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((Since frisk doesn't really have a gender, I figured I'd include them in my oneshots...))
((Is it weird that I view most of the characters as my siblings?....))

You hummed softly, brushing your (h/c) hair out of your eyes as you walked.
Being on the pacifist route as you were, you hadn't been able to reach the true ending, which meant you just got to chill with the others in the underground. You didn't really have a favorite, you weren't that kind of person... But you were pretty close with a certain sansational skeleton. He was kinda like a brother to you.
"Nu-uh!!! Frisk hates you!!"
"D-does not you liar!!"

They're at it again... You sighed, there had recently been a new addition to the underground, a girl... Wait no, a boy... A screw it. A human. They had been causing quite a havoc around here as you remember...

Undyne nearly killed them a couple days ago, but after they saved monster kid, well, I guess you could say a little bit of love has bloomed inside the underground...

you walked over to monster kid and Asriel, who were currently bickering like always.
"You know... You could just ask them who they like better instead of crying and arguing about it..." Ah yes, the peace keeper... That's what you were...

Hell, you had to separate Toriel from ripping apart Undyne once Frisk came home with a broken leg after they introduced her to soccer...
I, think you can imagine what happened....

"No way! Monster kid is so mean!!" Asriel sniffled, rubbing his eyes. "Frisk likes me better, right??!"
"Nu uh! They like me more!"
"Shove off monster kid!"

You laughed, "now now you two, let's stop fighting, alright?"

"Who do you think Frisk likes better?" Monster kid asked, head butting you gently in the arm.

"Well... I'd have to say..."

They both looked at you in determination.



"What, the kids a flirting machine!" You chuckled.

"Hey isn't that Frisk over there, hi Frisk!!!" You waved at the strait faced human, beckoning them to come join you.
"Hey, monster kid and Dreamer have a question for you!" You chimed, the two in question giving you a glare that could only match toriels.

"Which do you prefer, cinnamon or butterscotch?" You snickered, both of them looking relieved that their feelings for the silent human were kept secret.

Frisk opened their eyes, a shining brilliant color, walking over to you, they grabbed your hand gently, smelling of warm silk. Frisk brought the back of their hand to their lips, giving it a gentle kiss before getting on one knee.

"Uh... Frisk? It was just a joke..." You winced.

"I prefer you..." Frisk said, looking up at you as if you were a beautiful maiden, winking.

Both of the children looked torn and defeated, but none the less shocked at Frisk's actions.


((Idk where this came from... Enjoy your... Whatever this is...))

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