Norrek strides past me to the multi-paneled glass wall that overlooks the Islands of Order. From where I am, all I can see are wisps of clouds and the peaks of shining, metallic rooftops. He doesn't offer the hint of an acknowledgment of me, only places his veined hand against the glass that prompts a hologram panel to project outward. He taps at a combination of holographic symbols, and the bands cuffs around my wrists and ankles loosen.
He twists around, smiling coolly. His aquamarine eyes resemble Mediterranean oceans sitting under dark sinister eyebrows, contrasting against his pale, smooth, powder-white skin.
"Gavin. What a pleasant surprise." His lips peak at the corners.
"You're Norrek," I say.
"Indeed. I apologize for the lack of hospitality. What you committed is an absolute crime against our Order. But if I had known in advance that it was you, we would have reacted differently. Please accept my apologies." He waves me over. "Come. Out of that awful chair." He turns back to the window. "See for yourself the world as it will be. A place of peace. A place of equality. A place to safely call home."
I slither out of the uncomfortable chair and join him. I had found seeing the new world from up close when I was on the sky-bridge fascinating, but nothing could compare to the aerial spectacle spread out before me now.
Like Mario mentioned, there are countless ringed islands in the distance, all with cities encircled by bodies of water, connected to the main island. Some islands have titanium pyramid buildings, other spherical, others rectangular towers. All of them sparkling in silver and white, and dripping in lights under the moon.
"So many lights. Not very sustainable," I say.
"Ah, on the contrary. On the Islands of Order, we use alternative sources of energy. The Nest is one giant solar-powered unit that provides light to all the other islands. But each island is made to be self-sufficient, and runs on hydroelectric energy converted from the sea. We also utilize a variety of other forms, like wind and tidal power. Aside from this, we have developed technology that allows us to clone and replicate energy molecules, which gives us an infinite source of energy. Let's just say that we'll never run out of electricity—and that our beloved planet suffers nothing by it."
"You think you've done something almighty, don't you? Like you're this messiah of the new world—"
"It's been a team effort, my boy. I would never claim full credit for it all."
"You may have some people fooled," I say. "But I know better."
He moves in closer to me and whispers, "I remember when you were still such an angry teenage boy. Full of hurt and repressed anger. I must say, I enjoy the new you."
"The 'new' me? You don't know anything about me."
"Oh, I think so, my friend."
"You and I will never be friends."
"I see. Well, I think that with time you'll come to see things from a new perspective. Anyhow, be grateful. Look at what the future holds. It's quite a bit to look forward to."
"I should look forward to the fact that you've coerced people to forfeit their beliefs and take on yours? Satisfied that you murdered innocent families who didn't believe in what you were trying to do? You reek of blood and dishonor."
"I see you've done your research. Believe what you will. But I have created a world of balance and harmony."
"There can't be balance without imbalance. What about people's freedom?"
He chuckles. "I see you're still wedded to ancient ideologies. Pathetic Westerners created the idea of balance as an excuse to commit war, line the size of their pockets, and feed their need for power. In the past twenty years since we came to power, there has never been the slightest indication of war or uprising."
"You're no different from them then, are you? Isn't that exactly what you've become? Using peace as an excuse to kill? You murdered thousands of innocent people. My friends and family!"
"Now, now. I'd watch that mouth, boy. I have been extremely kind to you, and I would recommend that you resist the urge to broadcast your opinions. I am being patient because you are still so young. But that is not acceptable here. I don't care who you are."
He gestures at the view beyond the glass wall. "Each of the interconnecting islands serves its own purpose. We all have a specific part to play, you see. Each Island of Order is responsible for a facet that contributes to the welfare of our entire thriving civilization. One island governs agriculture and farming, another technological advances as well as record retention, and others for medicine and health, education, and so forth. It's proven to be quite successful.
He taps on the glass. "That island over there, the one with the pyramids. It hosts all of our farming and vegetation. The new system we are currently developing will provide enough essentials for over a decade, for all of us, in the event of an unforeseen natural disaster. Because we now function in total unity, no longer a world segregated by language or politics or religion, we are proactive beings, no longer reactive to our planet."
"That's impossible. People may pretend not to believe anymore, but they'll always believe something beside what's forced down their throats. You can't force beliefs."
"Maybe so. But silence itself makes people complicit. In fact, it's our most powerful weapon."
"Until people burst. And the consequences of your silencing become your downfall."
"Fear will always prevail, my dear boy."
"You underestimate people."
He scowls. "We have spent a millennia overestimating the human race! And look where that led our kind! We became a self-destructive breed, boy!" His voice rises, becomes harsh, insistent. "Understand that we are the ones who have saved our species. If not for us, we'd be nothing! We'd be extinct!"
"How very 'peaceful' of you."
His scowl fades and his mouth bends into a smug grin. "Indeed. Indeed it is." He drills his forefinger into my forehead. "And that is the mentality that will ensure your survival." His finger slides down my nose and over my lips to my chin. He cups it roughly, smiling all the while. "Remember that," he spits.
Still squeezing my jaw in his grasp, he searches for some answer in my eyes. "Shall we introduce you to The Islands of Order's Second-in-Command? Perhaps some perspective will speed you past your current futile mindset. I do hope you enjoy surprises." His jarring fingers abruptly abandon my skin. "Follow me." He walks to the elevator pod.
I follow behind him. I could escape now using my chant, but curiosity has beat logic in its race. Second-in-Command? He made it sound like I would know who this is. But who? Naima, maybe?
We step onto the elevator pod and a thread of silver light rings around us. We begin ascending, apparently to wherever Naima disappeared to.
We travel up past several floors to what I can only assume is the peak of The Nest and emerge into a room decorated with polished black furniture. The only dark room I've seen so far on the island? Desks veer off into angles, like the facets of a black diamond. On the floor, at the center of the room is a massive silver-and-white mosaic rendering of the Peace Hunter crest that easily takes up half of the floor.
Across the room is a puffy, inflated black leather chair facing away from us. All I can see is the top of the person's head, and one hand tapping on the chair arm. I assume it's a man because of the size of the fingers.
"We have a guest," Norrek announces.
The man spins around. I see his face and almost vomit. Violet eyes lock onto mine. I feel light-headed and wobbly.
The man ... he's...