After School

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                 Phoenix's POV
      We invited Kalin, Jakeey, and Myles over. They are our neighbors, too. Well they live 2,000 yards away but they are the only ones. "Let's play a game called Questions." Jake spoke up. We all nodded. "Okay so the goal is to answer all the question truthfully. Who has the most questions answered truthfully wins and gets to have each other player as a maid or butler for a week." Jake explained. This should be easy. "I will ask the first question." Kalin exclaimed. "Past relationships?" Kalin asked. "I had a girlfriend about two years ago but she was only with me for my talent." Myles answered sadly. "None. I have never kissed a boy other then in my family or had a relationship." I explained. "I have never been with any one yet, but soon maybe." Jake answered. "I recently broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years. He was a werewolf and miss imprinted." Renesemee explained choking on her words. "No one has dated me just make out." Kalin confessed. "Alright Myles results?" Kalin asked. "Myles true, Phoenix true, Jake true, Renesemee true, and Kalin true. Oh where are my manners I am Edward Phoenix and Renesemee's dad." my dad answered Kalin from behind us. "Hello you know us all I a sure and mind reader like me!" Myles exclaimed. My dad nodded. "Sir would you like to be our lie detector?" Kalin asked. Edward nodded. "Talent that is not a secret?" Myles asked. "Singer and rapper like Becky G." I answered. Kalin and Jake looked shocked. "Actor." Renesemee answered. "Singer." Kalin shrugged. "DJ!" Jake exclaimed. "Rapper." Myles answered. "Phoenix true, Renesemee false her real secret talent is Cheerleader, Kalin true, Jake true, and Myles true." my father told us our results. "Powers?" I asked. "I can tell you what I am thinking and show you every memory of you or what I want you t see by touching your cheek with my hand." Renesemee confessed. "Shape shifter. I can do any animal I want." Kalin answered. "I see beats when they are played." Make confessed. "Mind reader." Myles laughed. "Every power from every person I have ever met." I laughed. "All true!" my dad exclaimed. We played the game for awhile till it was 10 so the boys went home. I ended up winning.

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