Wit Beyond Measure

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I knew from the moment I stepped on the train that this was not going to be a good year. After Dumbledore's death last year, I knew no-one would be safe at my beloved school.
I screamed when they took me off the train but it was more than a last resort than anything. I knew it wouldn't be that easy. When I woke up, chilled and aching in a death eaters basement, I knew I wouldn't get out of there without at least a few scars. They took my wand but I'd studied up on wandless magic so I would have at least some defence if it was necessary and it was in the situation I then found myself in.
I had groaned, realising all those first years will be missing a protector and for the D.A members, a teacher. Those in Ravenclaw would have been vulnerable to everything.
The sad thing was that for the first years, that WAS Hogwarts. They would have never had a proper introduction to the wonder that was my school. I found myself thinking not for the first time, that it was unfair to the rest of the school that the only teachers left in the D.A were Gryffindors. What about the other three houses? Which brings us to now.
I can hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "Well hello there Lovegood. If you want to get out of here alive you'd better tell me what I want to know."
I didn't respond, instead staring behind her, hoping she'd leave me alone.
"Did you hear me blood-traitor?" She walked right up to me and shook me. Hard. I spat on the floor. "You won't get anything out of me Bellabitch."
Her face contorted in fury. "Crucio!" She screamed. A blood red light burst from the tip of her wand and the pain felt like a million knives cutting into my body at once. Tears brimmed at my eyes but I refused to cry out.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were facing unbelievable things right at this very moment and that put them in incredible danger.
This is for them and everyone else, I refuse to give anything for their sakes and my dad's. I bit my lip to stop from screaming and thought about my mother. Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure. I will make them all proud.

Luna LovegoodWhere stories live. Discover now