Chapter 15- I'm The Only Exception When It Comes To Normalcy
Flee. It was definitely, flee.
On normal circumstances, I would’ve chosen, fight. But this isn’t a normal circumstance and with my mom glaring at me like she’d leap over the table at any second just to throttle me, I’d rather flee.
It was time to initiate, phase three.
I stood up, pushing my chair back and made sure to make my expression look guilty, “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Richardson. I shouldn’t have laughed at what happened, I’ll get you a towel,” I said, turning around to go to my room.
“I’ll go with you,” I heard Greg offer, and instantly spun around to look at him.
“No, stay here,” My dad and I said in unison.
I quirked an eyebrow at dad who just shrugged but then turned back to Greg, “I’ll get it, it’s not like lifting up a towel needs two people,” I rolled my eyes at him.
He looked like he was thinking of something to say, but I didn’t give him a chance and quickly walked away. I needed to get out of here, and fast.
I shut the door to my room behind me as soon as I was inside and kicked off my un-comfortable heels, I pulled out the flip-flops from under my bed and walked over to my window.
I was glad I wasn't on the first floor, or else I would've had to go through extreme measures just to run.
I opened my window and jumped outside, landing on the grass. This was the moment I felt like kissing the ground, saying, 'Sweet, sweet land!' But since I didn't had time, I made a run for it.
Hopefully, I wouldn't have a hundred cruisers on my tail.
I twisted the knob but the door was locked. Great, Keith. Just lock me outside when I'm seeking refuge, why don't you?
I huffed in annoyance. When I don't have an emergency, his door is accessible at all times but when a fully-armed mom is coming after me, he decides that that visiting hours have ended?
Well, it is almost 8:15. I should've expected it.
I sighed and raised my hand to knock, but then I realized that he might be asleep. What if he's a heavy sleeper?
Dang it, I had to find a way in!
I silently ponder on what I could do, when my gaze averted to the window beside the door. My eyes lit up, of course, the window!
I just hope that it's open, because if it isn't, I'll kill Keith after I die.
I walked towards the window, glancing back and forth to make sure no one was looking, then with all the hope I had. I pushed it up.
A smile broke out on my face as the window easily slid up and I stealthily stepped inside, grinning in victory.
Phase three was successful! My plan worked!
I did my victory dance, feeling really happy and that is when I heard someone walking over to me.
My eyes widened , oh God, it was his parents. They caught me red handed and now they'd send me back home! Abort mission!
But curiosity got the best of me and I turned around, only to see a speechless Keith as he stared at me.
I breathed out a sigh in relief, "Oh, it's just you," I really thought I was going to be kicked out by his parents or something, but he didn't needed to know that.
Next thing I know, he realizes that his parents might've done the sensible thing and then he's kicking me out by himself, yelling like an old-man to, 'Move your sorry carcass away from my lawn!'
Keith didn't say anything for a while as he stepped closer to me, eyeing my dress. He was making me un-comfortable, and I didn't like it.
"What?" I snapped.
He blinked and shook his head, averting his gaze to my face, "Nothing, it's just..."
I crossed my arms, "Just what?"
He smiled, almost shyly as he ruffled his hair and chuckled, "Nothing, Jess."
"No, tell me, what is it?" He was making me even more curious by the 'nothings' he kept answering me with. If it was honestly nothing, then what was with the look on his face?
He stepped closer so that he was directly in front of me as he eyed my face, "It's just that... you look really amazing,"
I un-crossed my arms, slightly shocked. Apart from my family, no one has ever paid me a compliment so sincere. My heart started pounding in my chest, as my confidence faltered.
Keith hasn't done that once, but twice and I didn't like what I was feeling. It was strange to me.
My blush and I fought a battle, but in the end I won, 'Surrender blush! Yes, I can see the white flag of truce. Keep waving it,' I instantly decided to end this... awkward moment with a comment of my own.
I shoved the feelings aside and retorted, "Well, standing next to you, anyone would say that," I pushed him aside because he was standing too close for comfort and made my way towards the living room.
I heard him chuckle as he followed me, and I let out a breath. Gosh, I hoped I wouldn't have to go through that ever again.
Because what if the next thing I know, Keith admits that he was just saying it to the wall behind me. As weird as it is, it could be possible.
I imagined it happening.
'Wall, you look so amazing. Please, be my wife,' Keith said, kneeling down on one knee.
The wall doesn't respond so Keith stood up, nodding with a hurt look on his face. Turning around so the wall couldn't see.
'I knew it, you always were in love with the door, weren't you?' He whispered.
That thought made me burst out laughing as I plopped myself down on the couch. Man, I'd love to see that.
Keith sat down beside me, smiling in amusement, "What's so funny?" Then he narrowed his eyes at me, "This isn't about what I sa--"
I immediately stopped laughing and cut him off, "No, no..." I laughed lightly, "I just thought about something," I grinned.
"What...?" He asked, suspiciously.
"I already told you, I thought about something," I emphasized the word, 'something'.
He chuckled and shook his head, changing the subject, "Okay, now I don't mean to be rude but... what're you doing here?" He raised an eyebrow.
I shrugged, "I'm running away,"
"From home?"
"Aren't your mom and dad going to search for you?"
I thought about it for a moment then shook my head, "Not until twelve, they won't."
He nodded, "So, how did you get in?"
I grinned at him, "Through the window,"
He chuckled, "You realize that that's creepy, right?"