Saving An Alpha

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I waited for the next wave of attacks, the cuts on my arms healing faster then any other wolf.

I had waited as the four hunters attacked me each lunging one after another in waves.

We were on our fourth wave and I had one killed. It was slow but their leader seems to be enjoying this.

The next wave started and I smiled, this time prepared for them.
The first one leaped at me and I droped to my knees, my dager cutting deep into his belly. He hit the ground dead.

The second one ran at me and I quickly got to my feet and jumped, landing on her neck and hearing the sickening crunch and snap as it broke, the female dead underneath me.

The third one turned to run for its life but I threw my dager, watching it go through her jugular and lodging in the tree as the wolf's body thuded to the ground.

It had been twenty minutes and back up could be heard. I had to kill the last wolf and quick.

I was once again rammed from behind and with little space to turn, I hit the tree hard.

The wolf who was healing looked at me and whimpered, I smiled and stood shakily.

"I'm fine." I reassure, standing straight up.

I turned to look at the last wolf. He would be trouble and I knew I had to go wolf if I wanted to kill him.
I wasn't shy about my body so I quickly striped till I was naked and shifted, the usual snapping and cracking as my body became a wolf and my fire like fur shown in the moon light.

The ice wolf growled, now recognizing me as the notorious Fire Foot, and I sighed.

Now was not the tine to deal with him, the souless was my main priority.

The rogue lunged at me and I moved to the side, hearing the thud as he hit the tree he had previously rammed me into.

I turned to face him, moving quickly before the wolf could regain himself and grabbing his jaw.

He tried shaking me off and ramming into the tree, but I held on for dear life, even though I wanted to gag on his stench and the bile that was his blood.

I cletched down harder, planting my feet and pulled back, tearing his throat open.

He fell at my feet dead and I instantly pucked in my wolf form.

I was sick from him.

Sighing I gathered up my stuff as the howls of other wolves came from behind us. Back up was here.

With a nodd to the ice wolf, I turn and cross the border, I was going to head home but instead I shifted and put my clothes on, hopping into the trees and doubling back to watch the scene before me.

The wolf had shifted to show a handsome man, way hotter then anyone from my old pack, and he was in full birthday suit.

Other wolves in both human and wolf form showed up as the ice wolf just stared at where my dagger was.

"Alpha, are you okay? We came as fast as we could." It was the beta.

"So the man I saved was the Alpha." I whispered.

"I'm fine, Fire Foot saved me. She was amazing." His voice came, deep and authoritative. But he was reassuring them.

A silence filled the forest as his wolves looked around at the way the wolves were killed. Three had broken necks and the rest were cut up other then the leader who's neck was tore open.

"She? Are you sure its a she?" The beta asked.

"She clearly had breasts and a skinny waist." Their Alpha said with a hint of a dare for some idiot to oppose him.

"She must have hid her gender pretty well." A member, looked like a low tracker by the clothes, said.

"She is also an elite tracker. What ever made her a rogue must have been tragic, but she has morals and she kept to them." The Alpha said, a ghost of a smile on his lips.

Some one passed him some track pants and he put them on, turning to look at the dagger, my mother's dagger, one last time.

"Should we take it?"

"No, let her come back for it. She saved my life while you all took your sweet time." They all left and I landed softly after ten minutes, taking my dagger out of the tree and heading home for a quick shower.

The next day I returned to the tree I had hid in last night, watching the Alpha slowly make his way to his tree as he noticed the hole where my dagger once was, a smirk and a chuckle coming from him.

"Thank you." He whispered, aiming it at me and leaving a wooden box that held plants. The wind was in my favor and I smelt the rare herbs that were used for many medicinal purposes and smiled as he left it there.

I had brought my own gift, two crystal wolf figures that I had bought hours before getting there, leaving them by his tree while I waited.

As he turned to leave he found my gift and opened it. One figure looked like me in wolf form, the other like him in wolf form.

He chuckled again and left, giving me time to grab the box of herbs and headed home, going straight to the attached green house and to the empy slot I had left for when I got medicinal herbs.

That was the last time I saw him, or so I thought.

The Rejection On The Full Moon [Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now