Time to step up

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Shawn pov:
The next morning I had waken up from a deep sleep because Nickis phone was going off. She had been finally sleeping after all that crying so I didn't want to wake her.
I put her pone on silent and sat it on the mirrored night stand next to her. I made her and niea breakfast before they woke up and I took a shower and got dressed and stuff.
After I had returned to my bedroom Nicki was awake but she wasn't eating .
"What's the matter?."
I asked her as she was reading through her text.
"Nothing I'm just not hungry! Thank you for cooking though!." She said as her eyes started to tear up agin.
We sat down and had a conversation about what happen so she could feel better but nothing seemed to be working.  I had to be at an appointment soon so I gave her a kiss and told her I'd be back.

(Doctors office)
Shawn pov:
"Ok shawn your looking pretty good in a wonderful shape! Way to keep that nice figure you got!." (Laughing) "and for your head aches I would suggest plenty of water sense you don't really do the whole pull thing.! Sense you do have that heart mur mur I'd go easy on engaging in activities that make your blood pressure go up
Or make you breath to quickly! It can cause a really bad heart attack!."  doctor said as I look at her!.
"Like what?."
I asked confused.
"Well moving or running around to much! The heart mur mur is getting worse so if your to active you could harm yourself!." She said looking at my records and explaining at the same time
"So what if I'm just chasing my 3 year old around we play cops and robbers a lot and tag!.." I said waiting for a response.
"Yes! So you would want to slow down on that kind of activity even working out at the gym isn't good for you at the moment." The doctor said typing up some stuff.
"So what about sex?."
I asked as she started laughing.
"Well you can have sexual intercrose but it should be really slow not so crazy !." The doctor said as I nodded. "Ok thank you! Is there anything else before I discharge?" I asked smiling at her.
"Actually yes! While we were talking your blood test we noticed a little something out of place so we analyzed a little harder and during your heart X-ray we saw something out of the ordinary! So we kept testing and we have some good news for you depending on how your going to feel!." The doc said smiling handing me some X-ray photos. I looked at the photos for a second and my mouth dropped. "I'm pregnant????? I'm 4 weeks pregnant!!!!" I said in shock as the doc nodded. "Yes ma'am congratulations!!! We need you to come back next week so you can get the gender and biological parent if needed!." The doc said as I nodded . "Thank you! Have a nice day!." I said walking out of the office and back into my car.    
A few weeks go by and Nicki has been ignoring meek but her parents still wanted them to get married. I didn't think she would go through with it but she seemed like she didn't want to put a stop to it anymore.

(In Shawns kitchen)
Shawns pov:
"So your getting married next Sunday right?." I asked as my feelings rocked a little.
"Yeah!." Nicki said sitting on top of the counter .
"I thought you didn't want to!,"
I said as she looked at me.
"I don't!."
Nicki said looking upset. I looked at her for a second because I felt som tension in the room.
"So what about me and you o don't want to keep this going between us if you gone be married!." I said as Nicki ignored me question. I was super annoyed that she did that. I was starting to feel like she didn't want to be with me.
"Mommy can we go to candy land?."
Niea asked me as she tapped on my thigh holding her teddy bare in her right hand.
"Yes baby maybe later after I'm done talking with moma!." I said as Nicki smiled at niea..
"How come you never told your mother what meek did?"
I asked confused.
"I can't! If I marry him my mother my and grand mother will be happy and meek will be happy! And most of all my great grandmother will be happy! She told me that all she wants is to see me walk down the Isle with meek before she passes and my grandmother is 185 years old and out of life pills and can barely speak! We all know it's almost her time she's really sick and I don't want to take that from her!." I gotta do it for my family!."
Nicki said nodding her head. "Well what about for you?."
I asked as she looked down at her kicking feet.
She didn't answer me so I brought up something more important.
"Well I have something important to tell you and I don't know how your going to take it sense your going through with this non sense!."
I said as she looked up at me.
"What is it?." Nicki asked as I called niea into the kitchen.
"Why are you calling niea?." Nicki asked me. She looked very confused.
"Because it's something both of you need to here!." I said waiting for niea to come.
"TANIEA!!" I yelled one more time as she ran in.
"Yess Momy!." She said as I picked her up and sat her on the counter next to her mother.
"Is it your heart?". Nicki asked sadly!.
"No! We'll sort of! I just need both of my babies to here this!." I said grabbing one of nieas hands and one of nickis hands. The both looked at me waiting for me to speak.
"I'm 8 weeks pregnant! " I said smiling as Nicki looked at me with a blank face
"What!!!!!" Nicki said confused.
"What's penit (pregnant) mean?."  Niea said confused !.  
"Mommys having a baby princess!."
I said as Nicki looked at niea. "It means your going to be a sister now!."
Nicki said looking back at me
"Yay!!! I want a sister! Not a brother!."
Niea said laughing.
Nicki and I both laughed .
"Why not?". I asked as she responded quickly.
"So I can play dolls !. I not like play my my self!."  Niea said as we kept laughing at her.
"How's the baby at?."  (Where is the baby at?) niea asked.
"She's in my tummy!."  I said as Nicki looked at me in shock.
"A girl?." She asked .
"A girl!." I said nodding my head.
"How her fit?." Niea said still looking puzzled.
"Well she's small right now baby!." I said smiling at niea.
"How's her gon gon (stutter) get out? When hers bigger like me?" Niea asked touching my stomach.
"The doctor gonna take her out!."
I said as niea nods.
"Ok can I go get candy now?."
She asked as I took her from the counter.
"In a minute! Give me and mommy another minute!." I said as niea ran off.
I looked up at Nicki and she was looking really sad.
"What's the matter? You don't seem happy at all!. Niea loved it you just sat quietly!."
I said standing between Nickis legs as she sat on the counter.
"I'm not happy! None of this makes me happy Shawn! We can't have this baby!!!."
She said hurting my feelings.
I backed up away from her and I didn't say a word.
Nicki got off the counter grabbed her purse and left.
I felt like my world just came crashing down but I should have Known better.

-yikes what's happing 😢

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