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The scene zooms in on an alley, a man in a skii mask stops panting, a bag of loot in his hand. He looks at his surroundings and laughs.
"Looks like I'm in the clear! No cops, and best of all, Jewel didn't find me! Ha! Some hero she is!" He laughed. A figure is a few feet behind him leisurely leaning against the wall holding a small gun.
"Awww. Don't you have any faith in me, D? You know most supers just beat the robber and book 'em, but where's the fun in that?" A younge female voice replies. The man's eyes widen in obvious fear.
"Oh! Uh Jewel! Great to see ya! You're lookin good! Seein anyone?" D asks. The girl stands tall, about five foot six, white hair fading to electric blue, pale skin, emerald green- gem like-eyes, hence the name Jewel. She walks agonizingly slow towards D, a look of cool malice and danger across her face. The shadows of her hood adding to the intense fear in D's gut.
"Haven't your buddies told you what happens when you flirt with the cruelest gem in the world?" She asks dangerously calm a look of pure, blood thirsty fire in her emerald orbs. D gulps knowing full well what happens. Jewel smirks at his fear if she were normal he'd of already took her out. She loved seeing fear in the eyes of those who struck fear in the innocent. Blue glowing smoke dances around Jewel's hand snaking its way to the darkest corner of D's mind, into his memories of sleepless, terrifying nights. Jewel smiled hungrily as she smelled his fear, and watched his sweet nightmares unfold. This is when he wished he'd been caught by the police. Jewel is not like other supers, who just knock 'em out, return the loot and jail the felon; no, she watches them squirm as she pulls their worst nightmares forward, almost all the criminals she catches either turn to an honest living, or kill themselves from going insane. But not D, he just has to chase her, just has to get too close, and for that he has various scars in various places. About ten minutes into his own Hell, D threw the loot toward Jewel,screaming.
"Damn it! Just take the money and jail me! Get me out of here!"
"Awww! But D, don't you see? I have to repay you for killing a friend of mine." She purposely makes her words drip with insanity,"Two weeks ago! A sixteen year old girl purple hair blue eyes! You mugged her and she died in the hospital!" The rage clear on her face, then her calm insanity returns.
"You see, in the wild there are rules, if the coyote wrongs the wolf, the wolf must avenge herself. I am the wolf, you are the coyote. Prepare to be punished." As she says this she activates a power she rarely uses. Her bones visibly break, changing her anatomy to that of a black king cobra with green, slit-pupiled eyes. Knowing what she meant by ' I have to repay you' D made a mad grab for the area directly behind her head and jaws to keep her from biting and poisoning him. Unfortunately for him cobras are far to quick to react fast enough. She struck first sinking her two inch fangs right into his jugular. Within fifty seconds he lay on the ground. Dead. Jewel shifted back to her normal self, removing her hood. Using her telekinesis she changed her clothes to faded skinny jeans, a black and white horizontal striped tanktop, black fingerless gloves, and black combat boots. Her hair lengthened and turned red, her eyes changed to a ghostly blue. Little did she know that a local fangirl, or as they call them selves gems, was watching and recording this with her phone. Still in shock that one of the most reclusive students in Morgantown High, Kindle Moorehen was Jewel.

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