Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four- Wanted Me?

Aubrey's POV

"You're going to rock it. Do you get that? Rock it," said Elizabeth. Everyone else had their own performances going on, somewhere or the other, in the city. Elizabeth was the only one who was done with hers.

We were backstage in the green room once again, but this time, on the sets of 'The Lone Voice'. I had on a white shirt with black polka dots, a knee length black skirt, and black heels. My performance was going to be last. I was freaking out. In 'The Duets', I had Zac with me. But here, I would be all alone, in front of a world famous singing sensation, and the man, without whom One Direction would not even exist. Freaky.

A backstage crew member knocked, and entered the unlocked room. "Aubrey, you perform in five minutes," he said, and departed. Holy shit! "Okay now, deep breaths. Breathe in... breathe out... Great. Now, let's go. You have a song to sing," said Elizabeth. We walked out of the room, and walked into the wings. Nat and Alex were hosting both, 'The Duets' and 'The Lone Voice'.

"Great! And, our last performer for today is, Aubrey McClaire, from Doncaster High!" Said Alex, as the lights slowly went off, and I walked to the centre of the stage. I started to sing once the tune came on.

"You gotta help me, I'm losing my mind
Keep getting the feeling you wanna leave this all behind
Thought we were going strong
I thought we were holding on
Aren't we?..."

Controlling my fangirl moment seemed impossible, but I somehow managed. Right in front of the gigantic stage were Justin Bieber, and Simon Cowell. Oh my God! I have no idea, how I managed to stay calm and not forget my lyrics.

"You and me got a whole lot of history (oh)
We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lot of history (oh)
So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever!"

As I finished singing, my ears were overflowing with the sound of applauses. I can't believe I just sang in front of these two!

Three Hours Later

We were all back in the hotel, tired as ever. And guess what? We all got through round one! Yay! It was 9:00pm. We were all in our pyjamas. I was in my mint green set, which had a black Tumblr heart on the T-shirt. (AN Aubrey's night outfit is in the media box)

"Congratulations, everyone! We made it!" Exclaimed Ms. Lancaster. We were all heading up, to floor seventeen. Everyone looked so jolly, so happy. Well, who wouldn't? "Lights out at 10:00pm. Same routine continues," said Ms. Lancaster, as she went into her room.

Zac, Selvyn, Taylor and I went to 1706. We had an hour to spare. "Today. Was. Amazing." Said Selvyn. "I know, right!" Said Taylor. However, Zac was looking a little troubled. "Um, Rey. Do you mind if I- We- Um, can we talk?" Zac finally spoke. What did he want to say? "Like, alone?" I cautiously asked. He nodded his head. "Okay, let's go to my room. Bye, Selvyn. See you in the morning. Tay, see you in an hour," I said, as Zac followed me out of 1706.

Just as Zac shut the door behind us, I heard someone call out my name. "Hey! Aubrey, right?" I turned around, to find a plump girl, panting with her hands on her knees. "Um, yeah. That's me," I said. She finally stood straight. "Hi! I'm Candice. I'm doing an internship with the sponsors of the show. I saw both your performances, today. You were amazing! You've got a lovely voice," she said. I can't believe this. A stranger comes up to me, and tells me that I have a lovely voice. Wow!

I had a wide, toothy smile, spread across my face. "Oh my God! Thank you! Thank you so much! It's amazing to know that you actually remember," I said. "Of course I would remember! You were just so awesome! And, you're Zac, right? How do you guys do those lifts?!" She enthusiastically said. She seemed to be a nice person. "Um, thanks. It's just practice. She does most of the choreography," Zac said, pointing to me. He still didn't seem so good. "Wow. Well, I gotta go now. I'll try to see you guys tomorrow, if possible. Bye," she said, as she left us.

Zac and I sat on my bed, in 1705. He looked quite upset. "Woah. You've got fans already," he said. "Shut up," I said, smiling just a little, thinking about Candice said. But I immediately kept all those thoughts aside for some time. "What did you want to talk about?" I enquired.

"Oh, that. Yeah. So, first, can I trust you?" He asked me. Something's got to be wrong. "Yeah. Of course," I assuringly said. "Okay," he said.

"You've met my two sisters, right? Well, I never told you- I- I never told anyone, about this. I had a brother too, Patrick. Yeah. He was older than me. Older than all three of us, actually. Well, one day, five years ago, my dad was coming back from work, early. He was a cardiovascular surgeon. When he was only five minutes away from home, his car's tire got punctured. He thought of looking for a nearby mechanic. As he searched for one in the area, something terrible happened. A man came to him, and stabbed him. It was just so sudden. The criminal took his wallet and disappeared. But that's not it. When this happened, Patrick was taking me to the store to buy groceries. And we saw it all. We saw everything. We saw our dad die. We called mum, 999 (AN That's the British 911), and every needed person. Doctors said he had died on the spot. I saw my dad die. A week later, Patrick was supposed to have his tenth grade finals. He knew he just wouldn't be able to concentrate on studies. The same day as when dad died, he decided he needed some fresh air, and some time alone. So he went out for a walk. His thoughts must have been clouded with dad's murder. He didn't realize when he was walking in the middle of the road. A truck hit him. People must have come to help, because someone called us from his phone, to inform us about the accident. We took him too, to the hospital. He went into coma. He is still there, in Belwyn North Hospital. He's still in coma. And you know what? Today is October 19. My dad's fifth death anniversary, the same day when Patrick went into coma."

A few tears escaped my eyes. How did he handle it all? I didn't say anything. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. He hugged me back, digging his face into the crook of my neck. "Zac, you've been so brave. Do you know that? If I were in your place, I- I don't know what I would do. I'm so sorry about everything," I said. He slowly pulled away from the hug. He wasn't crying. He was too tired to cry. And by tired, I mean tired with life.

"Every year, on this day, I go and visit Patrick. Idly, only mum is allowed to meet him. But they make an exception for us on this day. I couldn't meet today, so I had met him one day before we left England. I sat with him, I told him everything."

"And what do you mean by everything?" I managed to ask.

"I told him about the competition. I told him about what a jerk Michael turned out to be, how I got selected for 'The Argumentatives'. Debating was his strong point too. I even told him about how I met you. How sweet you were, how good your taste in music was, how well you danced and choreographed. I told him about how I wanted you."

On hearing this, I almost choked. He wanted me? What did he mean to say?

"Wanted me?" I quoted, but as a question.

On hearing me, he smiled a little. He got up and took out a little crushed flower out of his pocket. "Well, um, I know this rose is crushed, and this is not how you would imagine it to be but..."

My heart was beating faster than ever.

"Aubrey McClaire, will you be my girlfriend?"

Oh. My. God. Zac just asked me to be his girlfriend. Zac just asked me to be his girlfriend! I was crying tears of happiness now.

"Zac! Oh- Oh my God! Y- Yes! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I said, and he instantly wrapped his arms around me.

He pulled his head away from mine, and we aimlessly stared into each other's eyes. He tilted his head a little, and leaned in, closing his eyes. I knew this was the moment. I did the same, and moments later, his lips crashed against mine. Our lips moved in sync. His were so soft, and his breath smelled of mint. He continued to leave soft, feathery kisses on my lips, before we were interrupted by his phone ringing.

We slowly pulled away, and looked at the buzzing device. "Something or the other just has to interrupt us, doesn't it?" He asked, laughing a little.

It was nice to see him happy once again. I blushed a little, and said, "Yeah."

Hey everybody! We don't have to live this way! Okay, that's enough of 5SOS for now. So, did you guys like it? I hope you did. I will be updating soon.
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