5th Grade

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The first day of 5th grade. I don't feel like getting up but, I know I have to. "RACHEL! ITS TIME TO GET READY!" My mom says sounding stressed out. She works to hard. I always tell her I can take care of my little brother, Alex, but she says its fine, but I know it's not. I get up and get dressed, and head down stairs. My mom hands me a bowl of cereal. "Are you excited for the first day of 5th grade, Rachel?" She says taking a breath for herself. "Yeah." About 5 minutes later the bus arrives, and as I get on, I sit down next to my friend, Gwen. I've known her since 4th grade. "Rachel! Hey! I missed you over the summer!" She says smiling. "I missed you too!" we sit and talk about over the summer and what we did. When we get to school, I head to my home room and go to my first class, Math. I sit down next to some girl with brown short hair. "Hi, I'm Rebecca" she says peacefully. "I'm Rachel." I say quietly. "I like your hair, it's so long!" She says admiring my long braid. "Um...Thank you. I like your hair too." I say a tiny bit louder than when I said, hi. I then notice a boy who's talking in the back of the room. He has, black hair, and was wearing jacket, way to big for him. He was pretty short too. But he was kinda cute as well. Our math teacher, Mrs.Net, was yelling at the boy to be quiet. I think I heard her say 'Ryan' a few times. So I think his name is Ryan. I turn around and face the board. But I can only think about him.

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