Chapter 15

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{Mavis Pov}

After Pan took Glen, I walked back to the centre and started training the boys how to actually fight, one of the lost boys that where my hight seemed like he needed more help with shooting the bow.

"Here let me help," I said as I stood next to him holding his hands up in the right away with my cheek pressed against his, just as he let go I heard Pans voice appear behind me.

I yanked the dagger from the lost boys holder on his pants and kicked my feet behind Pan making him fall, I sat on him holding his hands up with one hand as I held the dagger against his neck with the other "what is your problem Pan!?" I yelled in his face as he smirked and let out a chuckle.

He flipped me over on my back making him on me "oh love, do I have to keep reminding you that your mine?," he smirked grabbing the dagger from my hand, "fuck you," I spat as I gave him an dirty look "oh please do," he smirked sliding his hand down pushing the dagger in his holder attached to his pants.

"Oh so now your going to be all flirty flirty?," I smirked with a chuckle seeping threw my smirk, "well you are mine plus why go for the lost boys when you could go for the one person in charge around here," he smirked more.

"Because the boys are more fun to play with and your not my type," I said with a chuckle as I rolled my eyes "do you need me to show you how much my games are more fun?," he smirked as he leaned down closer to my lips.

"Oh Pan, I'm surprised that you didn't get before I am a flirt but I prefer the boys.. They are just.. So... Good in bed," I smirked pushing Pan off me as I stood up brushing the dirt off me.

He started to turn red giving me a furious look, "leave us boys!," Pan yelled angrily making them run into the forest "oh come on Pan did you really need to ruin the party?," I smirked as I raised my eyebrow.

"How dare you tell me that!," he snapped as he raised his hand up pushing me against a tree with his magic as he just stood there, "oh are you jealous about the boys?," I smirked in amusement "you know Pan.. You are just so amusing when your angry," I said with a chuckle.

He walked over angry making me chuckle slightly in amusement, " you really like pissing me off don't you?," Pan said still having a furious look "maybe I do, but I can tell you get jealous over the guys drooling over me real easy," I smirked with a chuckle.

"I do not get jealous," Pan snapped as he stood in front of me "oh if you don't then why do you get so mad when I choose the lost boys over you?," I smirked, I tried to move but he kept me still against the tree "oh that's right it's because your boys are just.. So much better in bed then you," I said slurring another o to my response with a smirk as I raised my eyebrow making him even more angry.

"Is that so?," he said as he walked right up against my body putting his lips just inches away from mine "yes it is, they are just so gentile, until they get the hang of it making it rough... I like rough," I smirked again as I finally could move pushing him back.

"Oh I can show you rough," Pan smirked with a chuckle in his throat, "oh I bet you could but like I said you aren't my type," I smirked once more before I started to walk away into the forest, "I can change that perspective," he smirked gripping onto my wrist.

"How do you suppose physically rapping me in the middle of the forest?," I questioned as I raised an eyebrow "oh love, you will be pleading for it," Pan smirked before he teleported us to what looked like a tree house.

"Where are we?," I questioned as I looked around finding a bed and a curtain in the other side of the bed hiding something behind it "what's behind the curtain?" I smirked, "a shower, and we are in my old tree house," he smirked pulling me towards the bed.

"So what are you going to do to me Pan?," I smirked as he pushed me down on the bed roughly making me chuckle "let's just say it's to provide motivation," Pan smirked as he leaned down kissing my neck.

"So you really think I'm going to plead for more? You know I only get pleased by your lost boys," I smirked again, "oh I don't think, I know you will plus this will be more pleasing then those unworthy boys," Pan smirked again sliding down ripping off my shirt.


I'm just going to cut it off from here I hope you are enjoying my book so far, please let me know if I'm doing a good job so far, it means a lot to hear your opinions(:

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