Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


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A storm was brewing. I was trying to hurry and make it home before it hit here. But it did not look like that was going to happen.

I had been at the local store with my bestie Sari Olson. The rain soon began to pelt down on my old beat up truck. I felt fear come in my heart.

I did not do well in storms. They scared the shit out of me. Seriously. Sari turns on the radio so we could hear what might be going on here.

"There is a tornado coming here east of Houston! If you can get into shelter right now! If you are driving on the high ways pull over to the side of the road! Pull over stay in a ditch!" they are warning. I see the clouds in the sky grow darker above.

"Oh crap!" I gasp.

"Remain calm. We are nearly home" Sari reminds me. I was not so sure we were going to make it. I see cars and trucks pulling over off the road. People were running to get in ditches. I spot it. The large black cloud over head. Coming fast. A fancy sleek car in front of us loses control.

It is being pushed and pulled around

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It is being pushed and pulled around. My truck is too. I was losing the fight on this truck. We scream as the truck circles in a donut. It stops in the middle of the road. I hear rumbling. Loud shaking. I soon spot the fancy car in the ditch. It hit a tree!

"Sari someone was in that car! If we leave them there they will die there!" I gasp.

"We have to help them" Sari agrees. Could I do this? I was to chicken to do this.

"Come on! They need us!" Sari yells at me. I rush out of the truck. Hail was pelting down on us now. The tornado was getting closer by the second.

We make our way down in the ditch to the car. Fumes were coming up on the hood of the car. Someone was passed out cold. I open the bent up car door. A handsome man was passed out cold here. Blood came down his face.

"Sir? We need you to wake up. Sir? Sir?" I demand as I try to wake him up.

"We are going to have to get him out of here. Come on help" yells Sari to me. The wind was picking up. My heart was pounding with fear. I manage to get the seatbelt off the handsome man.

Sari helps me get him out of his seat. We place both of his arms around our necks. We run as fast as we could go. It was not easy. He was a pretty tall man. Tears of fear come to me as we make our way under a bridge in a ditch area.

"Hold onto each other. Here it comes" warns Sari. I nod. We huddle as close as we could next to our mystery man. I hold his hand into my own. Fear takes over my body.

I never have heard anything so loud in my entire life time

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I never have heard anything so loud in my entire life time. I spot a lady over on the other side of the road. She was all alone. She looked scared to. I hear a scream. A powerful gush of wind snatches the other girl up. I hear her scream bloody murder. Good lord. I cry and feel myself shake with utter fear. Sari holds onto me.

"Make it stop. Please make it stop" I cry out loud.

Our truck moves on its own. It moves fast. Coming right at us. My heart pounds faster. Soon the truck is heading right at us! It would kill us if it hits us.

I hear Sari screaming along with me as the truck is pushed at us. The man is still passed out cold. Lucky bastard. Soon the storm just stops. The rain. The wind calms down. The truck stops moving along the road. Right in front of us. I gasp for air.

"We made it" laughs Sari.

"That girl did not! It took her! Oh god she was killed" I cry as I feel shaken up. Tears hit me.

"We are alive" she reminds me.

"Why just us?" I whimper.

"I don't know Jean" she says softly. She helps me check on the man. No id no wallet. No nothing. I did not have a clue on who this man was. My cell phone rings! I had a signal once more. My father was calling me.

"Sweetie! You are alive" he sighs when I answer the phone.

"Daddy, we are on the highway. In a ditch. With a stranger. We had to save him. The storm took a girl up in it. We saw her get killed daddy" I sob all at once.

"Sweetie which high way are you on? I am on the way to get you" he promises me.

"Daddy hurry. I am on M59" I tell him.

"You were almost home" he tells me.

"Nearly home. I should have never went out" I grumble.

"Didn't you say you saved a life?" he asks me.

"Yes he is still passed out on us. He needs to go to the hospital daddy" I sigh.

"We can take him on over there to be looked at" he offers.

"Hurry daddy. I am so scared" I say.

"I know sweetie. You are safe now. Try not to worry. I will be right there" he promises as we hang up.

"What did your dad say?" asks Sari.

"He is on the way to come get us now" I tell her.

"What about our mystery man here?" she asks.

"He will be checked out. Daddy is going to take him to be looked at" I tell her.

"I hope he will be alright. Whoever he is, he sure is good looking" laughs Sari as she leans the man up on her arm so he was not laying on the ground.

He had dark hair. Handsome features. Almost good enough to be a male model. He was in shape from the looks of things.

He had on a dark black shirt. Expensive. A tie. I undid his neck tie to bring more comfort to him. His poor forehead was bleeding badly. I rip off my sleeve of my favorite shirt. I try to stop the bleeding from his head by placing pressure on it.

"Look at you Florence Nightingale" she jokes.

"I want to keep this man alive" I tell her.

"I wonder what color his eyes are? He is sure pretty for man" she jokes.

"That is he. I wonder who he is?" I tell her.

"We might find out when he wakes" she tells me.

"Maybe" I agree.

Hi Everyone!

I had done a book like this before but it was a Zak fanfic! Hope you like the idea of the story! Jordan won't know who he is for a little while!

And Jean will fall for this handsome mystery man! Let me know how you like it! Please vote & comment! Thanks for reading!


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