The agonizing sensation to barf forces me up sprinting to the motels bathroom. I feel weak, unable to fully stand. So instead I sleep where I lye, the cold tiled floor of the bathroom is chilling but heats up soon enough.
10:34 am
I wake up shivering, my mouth is dry and acid like drool slips from the corner of my lips. I slowly get up, But my massive headache forces me to think otherwise, just blinking gave me a headache. It took me around a half an hour for my head to settle, after that I hop into the shower.
12:03 pm
My mind is still blank and buzzed, but I am slowly recovering. I hop into the car in search of anything to eat since I missed breakfast. Eating is the last thing my stomach wants, and with the deep sharp stinging pain I feel in my belly I almost turn around. But I knew that eating was not an option. I stopped at a local cafe and order a coffee and a breakfast sandwich with a tiny cake like dessert on the side. My sore acid coated throat made my food awful, and unsatisfying. My stomach felt as though it was against me with every bite I took.
My mind is clear once more, and my stomach is settled. I remember feeling the wretched need to barf out every bite I took, but I forced it down.
I open my wallet to see the remaining amount of money I have left, $640. I closed my wallet finding my remaining amount to be acceptable based on the recent items I bought.
With a newly bought dress from today I head back into the shower. I'm starting to hate the day, for every time I am awake all I can seem to think about is how much my family is going to hate me after they receive the letter. Stop it, calm down, just get into the shower and everything will be fine after that.
The music is louder than usual, it almost hurts. As I dance with one hand in the air the other is chained to my drink. I sip it often for it relieves me of my pain. 1 drink, 2,4,7,12 I lose count, but I feel marvelous, I feel unstoppable.

My last 4 days of freedom
Short StoryIts Friday and I just got expelled from my boarding school. Great, I wonder how my parents will react to this, they'll probably disown me for this. What ever that's a Wednesday problem, my parents wont revive the letter from my school about my expu...