Chapter 19

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"And what's it to you?" I blurted.

"Let's just say, you're kinda in our territory." The brown haired boy smirked.

"Wha- where are we?" Zoey said sleepily. Then she sat up straight, realizing what is going on.

I shrugged. I don't know either.
"You were taking watch. What happened?"

Zoey's eyes widened, she remembered what happened last night.

"You. What do want from us?!" Zoey screamed.

Everyone started waking up by Zoey's scream

"Untie us, now!" Ryan demanded.

"And what if we don't?" Blonde boy smirked.

"Wait, we're in your territory?!" Payton asked, partly screaming it.

"I just said it kiddo, YES. You all are in our territory."

"Okay then, untie us and let us go. Then we will forget this ever happened." Sophie said calmly.

The blonde boy kneels in front of her, smirking. "You really think you could just get away that easily?" He chuckled.

Maybe, I thought.

The boy's phone rings.

Is that the Barbie song?

The boy picks it up immediately.
"Hello?......... What? Who is this?........ Oh yes,........ But they're- ugh, fine!" He shut down his phone, a bit frustrated.

Melissa and Payton are giggling. I guess they realized what was the boy's ring tone.

The boy shifts his eyes to them, "What are you looking at?"

They shook their heads. "Nothing!" They laughed hard.

I chuckled. "Did Barbie called you?"

He rolls his eyes, and walks to me.

He unties the ropes on my hands.
"What are you doing?"

"Setting you free." He mumbled.

"You're meeting us go?" I looked at him, "Just like,THAT?!"

He shook his head. "And I thought you want to get out of here."

The brown-haired boy walks to him, he whispered something.

They all untied us from the ropes. "Don't EVEN dare escape." He glares at us.

Weird. They untie us, but they don't want us to move? What the heck?

Brown haired boy pointed at Payton and Melissa. "You two are coming with me."

"Oh no, mister! That's my sister your dragging. No." Sophie blurted fiercely.

"Oh my gosh, Im so scared!" He said sarcastically.

"Actually, all of you are coming with me." He tied each of our hands together, connected to one big rope.

Our bags and things are not removed from us, which is a relief. But we're lost, and captured by these two (kind of good looking) boys.


I glanced at my bag.


I looked again, it's glowing.

The book.

The two boys were talking, but I didn't listen.

The glow becomes brighter, and I only know one thing if that book glows

"Ryan," I whispered. "The book, it's-" Ryan shifted his eyes to the book in my bag, its glow showing through the fabric.

"Oh no." He mumbled.

"You know what this means!" I half yelled, half whispered.

"........and that's why this our territory." I hear a boy say.

I took out the book, the glow is getting brighter.

"Hey! Put that back in your bag!" Blondie demanded. I decided to make them nicknames since I don't know their names.

I looked at the book in my hands again, then back at him. I walked towards him. The book glows brighter.

"Wh-what is she doing?!" The boy blurted.

The glow get brighter, the closer I get to both of them. The light shone like the blinding sun, I covered my eyes and let go of the book.


Shania's POV

I paced back and forth. When will they get here?

There was a knock on the door. I opened it just enough to see who's outside.

"Father!" I hugged him tightly. "What brings you here?"

"I have news, Shania." Dad hands out an old scroll. I read it immediately, my eyes growing bigger and bigger because if all the information.


"I must go, there is something to take care of..." He waved goodbye.

I nodded, I got used to being all by myself here in the waterfall anyways.


The Last Hint [WILL BE REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now