Before 4

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Dear stranger,

That was it. My virginity. Gone.

For years I had wondered who I would give it to. Who would be the one. The one who I would willingly let steal from me. A robbery that would be over in seconds.

I can't say I didn't enjoy it. Because I did. You never forget the first time. Ever. Things like that are too good to forget.

The only ting I regret about that night is that it happened too early. I was only sixteen.

I remember going home that night and feeling guilty. Elated, but guilty.

My parents would have been ashamed if they had of found out what happened that night. What I was really doing that night around Charlie Laytons house that night. And every other night we got an opportunity. We were young. Me and Charlie Layton. A girl my parents had never met. A girl they would never get to see.

Seeing as I was dating Charlie, it was inevitable that I would meet her friends some day, although I had always assumed that they would be nice like Charlie, I had no idea what was coming.

I heard the teacher call my name out on the register. She wasn't our usual teacher, she was just covering, so everyone was messing around already.

'Yes miss.' I answered.

'They're not here!' Shouted the boy behind me. I would have probably taken it as a joke if he had been my friend, but he's not. He's one of the popular kids who thinks it's cool to mess around and show off and I knew full well that he knew I was here.

'I am here!' I strained over the top of the raucous.

'Are they here or not ?' called the teacher.

'No.' He shouted.

I spun around to look at him, whilst shouting yes.

As I did so, he grabbed my hair, pulling my head back.

'Ow!' I exclaimed.

Luckily, a girl from my class had come to my rescue and told the teacher that I was here and for Jack to stop tormenting me.

I gave her a quick smile, intending it to mean thank you.

Usually the whole getting marked absent thing wouldn't be an unusual occurrence, but the fact that I later found out that the boy who did it, Jack, was one of Charlie's friends surprised me.

'Now I can see why you didn't introduce me to them sooner.'

'I'm sorry you had to find out that way.'

'It's not you who should be sorry, it's Jack.'

'He's not usually like that.'

'Sure.' I said, not believing myself, 'I hate to think what your other friends are like.'

'You wont have much longer to wait, that's them now.'

I stopped in my tracks, just as Jack and a group of people I hadn't met before ran up.

'So you're Charlies girlfriend? Man!' He said, slapping Charlie on the back, 'Why didn't you tell me earlier? Look, I'm sorry about the whole thing earlier. I wouldn't have done it if id have known.'

'Apology accepted.'

'Geez Jack! You shouldn't be doing that anyone even if you know them.'

I looked round the circle to see the girl that had spoken.

'I'm Sophie by the way.'

She put her hand out and I took it.

'Nice to meet you.'

'I'm Lily.' The girl standing beside Sophie said. She had the kindest smile I'd ever seen.

'And I'm Daniel.' Said another boy. He reminded me very much of Jack.

'I'm so glad I've finally got to meet you!' exclaimed Lily wrapping her arm through mine.

'Charlie's kept you a secret for far too long.' Added Sophie, looping her arm through my free one.

'I try my best.' Said Charlie.

Daniel nudged Charlie in the ribs. 'You've got a good one here you know.'

Lily and Sophie started to lead me away. 'If you boys don't mind, we have some catching up to do.'

Love Logan

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