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I stood, frozen in my spot. The man standing only three metres away from me held a finger to his mouth, signalling for me to be silent. I couldn't form words, I couldn't scream, I couldn't even breathe.
"Nothing in here," Hale called from Imogen's room. "I'll check the other rooms."
I wanted to say come back, someone is in here. But the gun that was held in the man's right hand made me stop. One word and I'd be dead.
His finger curled, telling me to go over to him. I shook my head and his eyes began to turn black, his face hard.
And that was when I remembered that I could communicate with Hale through my mind. I wasn't stable enough to speak - even through my mind.
So I gave it my best shot, using all of my strength, and sent a distress signal to him.
In an instant, my mate was in the room, his eyes black and fists clenched. A loud growl rose from Hale's throat as he said, "what are you doing here?"
The man who held the gun stood up and stood in a position as if he was going to shoot.
"I'll ask again, what are you doing here?" Hale took a step forwards, and the man cowered back a little.
"John needs to see you," his, not so broken, voice said. This obviously meant that he was quite young.
"Well tell John that I don't want to see him. And if I were you, I would get out of here right now if you don't want your neck snapped," he spat the last part, walking closer to the boy, and even I stumbled back a little from the rage in his voice.
The ma- boy, I should say, ran to the door and I moved out of the way so he could get out. He dropped the gun and began running down the street.
I let a shaky breath leave my mouth and I became light headed.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that," Hale ruffled his hair and repeatedly took deep breaths.
"Who, was that?" I asked, shutting the door.
"I'll have to tell you later. But we need to go."
"Why?" I asked.
"They have Imogen."
"What are you doing?! Focus on the road instead of playing on your phone!" I shouted at him in the car.
"I'm calling someone."
"Who would you need to call right now?" I shouted again.
"You know that Carl guy that I 'made up'?"
"Well he's real, and he's my Beta. We need back up if we're going to get your friend back," he said, typing."Oh, okay then."
"Hey, Carl?" Hale put the phone to his ear. "Back up on a BMW..."
I dazed off as he gave directions to his pack member. What if they kill Imogen? She's done nothing wrong, she doesn't deserve this.
"We'll get her back," Kale said, rubbing my leg for reassurance even though he was driving over one hundred miles per hour. "I promise."
I smiled, knowing that we'd find her now. I don't know how he'd do it, but he would.
"Where is he going?" I asked, looking for the BMW.
"He's heading for John's main headquarter, downtown."
"Who's John?"
"John is Kacey's father," he said with disgust.
"'Carl'," he put in air bubbles.
"Oh, right. I remember that night."
"It was less than two days ago and you say it as if it was years ago. And you only remember the bad part? God," Hale's brows turned up as he smiled.
"Love me or hate me," I retorted back, smiling to myself for coming up with a smart reply. "Love me or hate me."
"We're here," Hale announced, and parked in the back alley we had arrived in. My head was sore, my feet were aching, and I had hardly any sleep. My parents didn't leave until one in the morning, and now my best friend has been kidnapped. And I thought college life would be simple.
I guess my instincts were wrong.
"Great," I replied, and went to unbuckle my seat belt. Hale's hand instantly stopped me and I looked up to see a dark look in his eyes.
"You stay here," he commanded, and I easily pulled away, having no effect being put on me.
"Don't use your Alpha commanding stuff on me, it doesn't work, remember? And plus, she's my best friend. She doesn't know what you look like, and will probably try to knock you out unsuccessfully. I'm going with you," this time, I used my commanding tone.
Hale grunted, and got out of the car, muttering, "Fine."
I unbuckled my seat belt and climbled out of the car. The grey clouds were heading over, and I knew it was going to rain. What a way to set the mood. We'd driven at least ten miles out from our college, proving that I wasn't going to attend the Romance Class this morning.
"Stay behind me at all times," Hale mumbled.
"Okay, dad," I gripped his suit jacket, and noticed from the time that I'd known him, he was wearing a suit the majority of the time.
'You have to be really quiet, don't breathe loudly, don't sniff. Don't do anything. John has guards everywhere, and I'm gonna need to knock them out for a bit. Please don't scream,' Hale's voice came through my head.
'You have my word.'
We entered the building together, my fear rising, but sinking as Hale looked at me. The lights were off, so I wasn't able to see much. I could see where to take turns, but I couldn't vaguely see any items in the room. So I put my whole trust in Hale to guide me through and lead me to Imogen.
"I proposed last night," a man's voice came from our left and a light appeared, signalling that we had company. Hale backed up so we were hidden, and my ears rang as the guards carried on their conversation.
'They should be moving soon,' Hale said.
I nodded, not noticing that he had his back to me.
"Ah, Kacey my dear, all tied up?" Another voice asked.
"Yes, she's not getting out. A hard job for a human to get out of there," a girly, high pitched, annoying voice said happily.
"We've got it under control."
"Thank you, Curtis. I'll see you boys in a couple of hours," I sensed her winking and flipping her hair behind her shoulder, smiling and walking off in stilettos.
'Stay here,' Hale said, then wandered off. A few grunts were made, and I heard a couple of bone cracks before Hale returned and grabbed my hand, guiding me to the door where two guards were standing less than ten seconds ago.
'Have you got the key?' I asked, and he held it out in the air for me to see.
He put the key in the lock, twisted it, and I gaped as the doors opened.
"Oh my God."
Right there in front of me, sat my best friend. Purple and black bruises covered her face and body from where she'd obviously been beaten up, her arms and legs had been cut, and she was tied down to a plastic chair by thick rope.
Imogen looked at me with tears in her eyes as she tried to talk to me, but the tape that covered her mouth kept her silent. I shushed her as I tried to hold my own tears in.
"I'm so sorry..."
Hale was already next to her, untying the rope whilst I walked over to Immy slowly, and began taking the tape off her face.
"Just rip it," Hale whispered, as he came onto the last bundle of rope.
"This'll hurt a little," I whispered to her, and ripped the tape off. A little yelp left her lips and as the last rope was cut, she rose and hugged me tightly.
I muffled her cries with my shoulder, and patted her back affectionately.
"If we want to get out of here, we're gonna have to leave now," Hale warned.
"Okay," Imogen let go of me and wiped her eyes, and I wrapped her arm around my shoulder for support.
Once we had gotten out of the building and next to the car, Hale turned and looked at us.
"I'm going back in," he said.
"What? Why? We've got Imogen now, there's nothing left to do," I blurted back.
"I have to speak to him, Georgie. Take her home, I'll be back shortly," he leant down, and gave me a short kiss that held a lot of meaning, telling me he'd be coming back.
"Don't kill anyone," I told him.
"I can't promise that," he said, and disappeared back into the building.
I looked at Imogen and smiled sadly, "I'm sorry."
"Remember that time when I said I'd do anything for you?"
"This is the last time I do. Now, please, get me home," she chuckled lightly, forgetting what happened, ignoring her battered body.
"Okay, come on."