During English we talked, she told me she had a FriendBook and added herself on my phone. Krissy smiled at me. And I was trapped. I couldn't get out.
My eyes locked with hers. She has these beautiful blue eyes. They were like crystals. Her hair was black, it was cut boyish. Her hair was short, it looked soft. Her skin, well, her skin was white, it was like snow. Although, her beautiful skin had saddening scars on them. Krissy was wearing a blue and black plaid shirt. Her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows. Under her arms, were deep scars that made me want to wipe them away for her. Krissy had glasses, they were big glasses, but not bigger than her. She was short, surprisingly a few inches shorter than me.
The bells to switch periods rang.
"I'll see you later. But hey? Text me. Okay?" She wondered off into the bustling hallways after.
I packed my journals and pencils and was about to leave class until I was abruptly stopped.
"Uhhhh.. Ms. Kendals, may I have a word with you?"
I walked over to Ms. Garcia's desk, confused.
"You and Her, need to quit the talking and do your work. This isn't the way to start the school year"
I shrugged, "Okay"
The bell rang again and Ms. Garcia stared for a couple more seconds before reaching into her desk and pulling out a pad of red slips.
*Click Click*
She started writing on the paper, with a pen. It was silent. All you could hear was the scribbling of the pen to the paper. She rubbed the slip from the pad and handed me the slip.
"Fill out your 2nd period class and go"
"Mhhhmm"It was quiet again. It was awkward, she didn't talk, neither did I. I walked out with my head down, so no one can see my red face. I scrambled to my next class. Then, when I walked into the class, about 56 pairs of eyes were staring at me. I walked from the back of the room to the front, placing the slip on the teachers desk. It was once again awkward. I spun around and saw Krissy. She gave me a weak smile, followed by a weak wave. I gave her a shy wave and walked to my assigned seat.
Unfortunately wasn't next to Krissy, but I still texted her.
Our Texts:
Me: Hey :)
Krissy: Hi
Me: How's your partner?
Krissy: Boring. She doesn't know how to talk. Like you
Me: Is that a good thing or a bad thing? cx
Krissy: I think it's good :) I love listening to you talkI have to admit maybe I blushed a little. But I think it was because of Brennan. He told me how happy I make him and how beautiful I am. She makes me hap---
He makes me happy. :)

The Unknown
RomanceKarrina was always unsure about her sexuality. She was always boy crazy but caught herself checking out girls and looking at their butts. Karrina didn't really think much about it. Until she came across a girl name, Krissy. Krissy was boy looking, b...