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"So, what're we doing again exactly?" I ask Nicole as we sit down on the couch together.

"Katie and I planned for all of us to go out together after she got off of work but I want to watch Grease so-"

"So you brought a change of clothes over here after dropping Natalia off at your moms so we you could get ready here but you want us to watch Grease first?" I finish her sentence. She sends me the absolute cutest smile and nods in response.

"Can we please watch it?" She asks. "We can sing along together! You can do Danny's parts and I can do Sandy's parts and I just wanna watch Grease, Harold, please." I can't help but to let out a laugh at how silly she is before going to Netflix and picking Grease so we can watch it together.

We go through the entire movie, singing along and watching the movie play out, mostly laughing at how we mess up some lyrics or the crack in our own voices when we put too much into our singing. The movie is now winding down and it's at the last song.

"You're the one that I want! You are the one I want! Ooh-ooh-ooh, honey!" Nicole and I sing in unison, her erupting in a fit of giggles afterwards. I smile at her adorable laughter and can't help to think that this small little sing-along deal has made me fall in love with her even more.

Soon after the movie ends, Nicole and I get ready for our double date with Katie and Michael. It's not long before we're on our way to the local movie theatre, where Mike and Katie are already inside waiting on us. Katie and Nicole end up conversating in front of Michael and myself as we wait in line to get our tickets.

"So, how're things between you and Katie?" I ask Michael as I shove my hands in the pockets of my jeans.

"Oh, she's really amazing, mate." He replies. "I really, really like her. She's gorgeous and I'm always happy when I'm with her." He smiles to himself, a small blush making its way across his cheeks.

"I'm glad you found someone, Mikey." I say, patting his shoulder. "Everyone deserves to be happy." He nods, the same overjoyed smile on his face. Katie turns back to us, catching Michaels attention so she tell him something. Nicole steps beside me and grasps my hand in hers.

"What do guys even talk about amongst one another?" She asks, looking up at me.

I shrug. "Girls." A smirk grows on her face and I can just tell she has a smartass remark to that but another voice interrupts her.

"Well, hey, guys." I hear Tyler say as he steps beside us with a girl holding his hand.

"You do realize that you don't have to talk to us when you see us in public, right?" Nicole informs him, rolling her eyes. I can't help but chuckle at her remark.

"Jeez, so much hostility here." He tries to joke, gaining a small giggle from his date. "I just wanted to come by and say hi. This is McKenna, by the way." He introduces the redhead by his side and she sends all of us a friendly grin.

It ends up that McKenna and I are having a decent conversation, which is weird because I don't usually talk well with many people, before Nicole has to pull me away so we can catch the movie. Nicole is scowling as she walks behind Katie and Michael in the theatre. She must be upset that Tyler ended up being here tonight.

After watching the movie and having a good time, we go our separate ways from Katie and Michael. We get into my car and drive back to my house in silence.

I let out a sigh after I shut off the engine in my driveway and turn to Nicole, who seems to be in deep thought.

"Sweetheart." I call out to her, causing her to quickly turn her head in my direction.


"Don't be so upset that Tyler showed up tonight. He didn't ruin anything. We still had fun. The movie was great." I say to her, reaching over and grabbing her hand.

"You don't understand why I'm even upset." She mumbles before yanking her hand away and getting out of the car. I'm quick to follow her actions, following her to her own car as she unlocks the drivers side door.

"Then what is it?"

"Nothing." She mutters, shaking her head as getting in. I stop her from closing the door, not ready for this discussion to end.

"I won't know what it is until you tell me." I remind her. She glares up at me then starts the car.

"Let me close the door. I've got to go get Nat." She tells me.

I let out a defeated sigh. "Fine. But we need to talk about this. I love you."

"I love you, too." She mumbles before closing the door and pulling out of the driveway, leaving me confused to say the least.


It's been 3 years, I know, but here's an update! Hope you enjoyed it!

Whatcha thinks gonna happen?

This story is coming to an end!

Check out my story Detach please!

Flowers all around x

-Nicole (theprincehes)

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