♣ I've been thinking too write a mystery novel.
Or have I?
♣I've just published a book on DIY,
It comes with blank pages and a free pen.
♣I went to Waterstones today to buy a book about conspiracy theories,
There were none. Coincidence?
♣A man cheats on his girlfriend, called Mary, with a girl called Clearly.
One day Mary dies.
At the funeral the man says "I can see Clearly now, Mary is gone."
♣A woman goes to the doctors with both ears burnt and her right hand. the doctor says " Sit down and tell me what happened."
The woman replies "I was ironing my clothes and then I got a call. Instead of picking up the phone I picked up the iron and burnt my ear."
"What about the other ear?" Asks the doctor.
"I tried to call for an ambulance."
♣A man walked into a bar..
...and said ouch.
♣A teacher said to a boy "Billy, Use the word geometry in a sentence."
He said "An acorn grew and grew, until one day he noticed something and said 'Gee, I'm a tree.'."

The giggles :D
HumorDon't even ask me about this. It's a book of jokes, pranks, rants or pure funny random stuff. That you may find funny, giggles or like ^_^