Chapter 4

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He smiles softly at me.  He leans down and grabs a pencils off the floor. He hands it to me. Our fingers brush  and I pull away fast. I smile and he walked away.   "Odd" I think to myself. I watch him walk away.  Long strides. Broad shoulders. Yet he keeps his head down the whole time. He's tall. Much taller then I. I shake my head and start to head to my next class.  My Freind Jenna comes running over to me.  Hey hey Elisabeth wait up" she  screams her voice high pitched. I slow my walking and turn around to see her running full speed at me.  I brace myself for
The impact. She smiles a bright toothy smile at me, as she runs right into me. Her brown/blond so many colored
In her hair blowing behind her. "You ready for tonight?"
I sigh "do I have to go?"
She glares at me "your going weather you like it or not I will drag you by your hair if I have to missy."
I sigh.
"I'll come get you around 8pm be ready and where something sexy" she giggles and runs off.
I groan and stomp my foot. I get to my next class which is intro to computers  and I turn on my computers. As the lesson is  about to start. The same Boy from my previous class comes in.  There around a million seats open yet he decides to sit right next to me. 

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