chapter 1

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and my sisters laughed at their face while trying not to choke on the freshly caught fish.

As soon as i had eaten i grabbed my satchel and swung it around my shoulder I also slung my blue shard pendant around my neck and said a few rushed goodbyes to my mum and dad and dived through the cave entrance on my way to meet my friend luca


Luca's POV

I blankly stare at two crabs crawling across rocks as i wait for Sajae to appear so we can go shell hunting and explore some of the streams that lead out to the ocean but with the way he's getting here we won't have enough time to do anything since it takes a while to get to the streams, just as i was about to get sick of waiting sajae swam over to me his face slightly red and his dark brown hair sticking up in a few places, i look over at him expecting an excuse to why he was late "sorry about being late I accidently slept in" he muttered as he feebly looked at the floor "don't be so upset sajae when am i ever mad at you, now come on let's head over to the stream" I said with a smile on my face which seems to make him feel better "come on then let's go" he says and swims off and i hurry after him.



??? POV

I peered into the water below me, my feet being submerged in the bluish liquid as i stare at my reflection with my thoughts, it's quiet since it is school time and most kids are learning and doing boring assignments, i'm so lucky that i don't have to go to school and do boring things i guess that is one of the perks of being children of two sea biologists also i get to travel around the coast with mum and dad to rescue sea creatures and care for them till they're better with my big brother gregory and lil sis sydney even if sydney is bit of a sea creature herself.

I feel a hand on my shoulder lightly shaking me "Christophe hey wake up you stupid table" Gregory Grumbled the annoyance in his voice clear as day " mum wants to ask if you want to come for a boat trip to this new island they spotted on the edge of the horizon to see if there are any new types of animals " he asked with a monotone voice to busy focusing on his video game to actually care about anything, "okay sounds interesting" i said calmly "when do we leave"'in half an hour so pack quickly or we'll leave you behind" he spoke as he walked off to probably pack his own back pack.

I run off to the house and barge the door open to meet my mum packing picnic bag with food "let me guess packing your bag for the trip" they said eyes not even leaving the chopping board " oh and yes i am packing a pavlova but remember Christophe you have to share or we'll have to beat you up " mum said taking the words right out of my mouth as i stare at them in amazement with my mouth slightly open.I slowly make my way to my room and start packing my backpack with things i would need towel, shorts & shirt , phone, drink bottle and book to throw at gregory just in case he was getting cocky about being a better swimmer.

I crammed everything in my bag and ran out of my room and sprinting down the stairs and crashing into my sister on the way down "AHHH CHRISTOPHE YOU ASS WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU COULD'VE GIVEN ME A CONCUSSION" she shrieked making my ears hurt , sydney picked herself of the ground and grabbed her bag and walked off in a huff stomping out the house to catch up with mum and gregory.After my ears stopped ringing i picked up my bag and walked out the door locking it and then started sprinting towards our little peer knocking sydney over again "SORRY" i yelled as i heard her start yelling a few curses at me. Once we were all in the boat dad started the engine and we set course for the new island.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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